Well, I've given her a lot of chances to make peace and be friends again... but she just doesn't care. I'm concluding she must just have low self esteem and plays games like this to elevate herself. I am convinced that her first marriage did not work because of her. Either she doesn't mean it when s...
She has admitted one of her bad traits is to be a martyr-- always being the sacraficing one. That's Filipino culture though, I think. I'm not sure if I should be posting here? I'm not Christian and she is also not Christian. We are Buddhists.
Ahh. The five years is because I'm a student, and I want to get my masters too... My uncle was with a woman for 9 years before he married her. I remember in psychology, it is proven that we are happier when given fewer choice (don't quote that because I can't remember the details). For example, I go...
Thanks... My dad said if anyone who asks for marriage before even meeting in person, it's a "huge red flag." This was in reference to a show on "wicked attraction"............. he doesn't know my girl and I have planned marriage in 5 years... We've even discussed the rings, I eve...
I reread the OP. "wanting" that is not wrong... but forcing it is. The term "barefoot and pregnant' comes to mind. Note: the OP does not mention children... Just a household.