We are to be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. It is easy to be gullable. I had someone just a week ago or so tell me some lies, and I believed them. They cried while they told me their story over the telephone, and I felt really badly for them, but I found it she was telling me all lies. I had some people renting a house from me. They didn't pay the rent, and then they started damaging the house, so I asked them to leave. I actually served a 3 day notice, pay for leave, and then I was going to give a few days more than that. She got mad, told me she would see me in court, and I would have to get the sheriff to move her out. Well, a day later she called, told me she was sorry, and asked me if she could have a few more days to move, and I told her yes. I asked her when she could be out of the house. We agreed on a date, I wrote up papers, and we each signed them. A day before she was supposed to be out, she called crying, telling me she was pregnant, and was supposed to be on bed rest, and would have to go to the coast, and they told her it might not be good; she would probably lose the twins she was carrying, and would probably have to have a hysterectomy. I did some calculations, and she would have, had to have gotten pregnant while she was in jail, which was unlikely. A professional councellor at the Medical center has a granddaughter who is friends with this lady's daughter. The daughter told the granddaughter that her mother was never pregnant, but was telling me a lie to get a few more days to move out. She could have just asked me, but she had to lie to me, and I believed her. Carol and my daughter told me that she was lying to me. At first I didn't believe she was, but after I figured she needed to have gotten pregnant while she was in jail, I didn't think that happened! So, I believe people sometimes when I shouldn't!