Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?

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Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:34 pm

It had always been a mystery why people use substances that are harmful to their bodies and their well being. Strictly speaking coffee is a drug also, but we seldom think of it that way, and most everyone drinks coffee, except for me. I did drink coffee for many years, but sometime in the early 1990s I got the idea that it was not good for me, so I stopped drinking it. One person I know give up one form of tobacco for another form. He tried quiting all of them, but was unsuccessful. After my nephew died, my sister brought a large bag of pipe tobacco as well as a pipe, and Carol said, "I thought you quit." Our daughter spoke up and said that because of all the stress in his life he was unable to quit. Is this a valid reason or is it an excuse for him to indulge in something that he wants to, but is harmful to him? Well, I have never been addicted to any of that stuff, so I don't understand I know. I know some people think they are addicted to coffee, and they have to drink it. I drank more coffee than most people do while I was drinking it, and when I decided not to drink any more of it, I put the coffee cup down one day, and I never ever picked it up again. I didn't have a headache, nor any cravings, any desire to drink any more of it. Now they are saying that coffee actually does some good things for you, but I am not going to go back to drinking it anyway. I was taking a health and fitness class from a University, and the information suggested that drinking coffee posed some potential and harmful effects that could lead to various diseases, so after reading that, I put the coffee cup down and never picked it up again. So why do people use drugs and drink alcohol when they know it ruins their lives and destroys their bodies? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?

Postby red » Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:18 am

People use alcohol due to cold weather it gives warm on your body. Some drink due to peer pressure. Some drink to relieve depress emotions, some drink because they can express better when they drink alcohol. Some drink for celebration calls. But if its too much its bad and can lead to addiction just like drugs. Marijuana is actually a medicinal herb but if its too much and succumb to it then its addiction. People do drugs because it gives them good feeling like they can do everything as in everything. People who succumb themselves to alcohol and drugs are coward and careless. and selfish because they dont care themselves and mostly they dont care their families carrying the burden they caused. I wont care visiting "flip" in rehabs. They dont deserve to be taken care of. Let them help themselves. They did it so let them suffer.
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Re: Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?

Postby Smiley » Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:22 am

Too much of anything is never good.Many drugs have no use at all outside of medical treatment. Small amounts of pot or alcohol are actually good for you,almost as small amounts of arsenic or potassium are. When the balance is off any benefit is lost and negative effects come into play. There is a big difference between being a social drinker and a habitual drunk.Too much alcohol,too much sugar,too much white flour,too many eggs,can all lead to big problems in life.
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Re: Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:38 am

Yes, taking or using too much leads to problems. I think first it probably becomes a habit, and then before long the addiction kicks in. Experience has taught us the harmful effects that result from taking too much and using too often. Some addictions get hold of people until they tell me they can't get away from them. Some trade addictions also. They smoke for a while, and they think they must quit that, so they trade it for chewing copenhagen, which is not really an improvement, but just trading another form of the same addiction. :( :(
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Re: Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?

Postby erwin » Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:06 am

Because they cannot find happiness in their relationship for instance. Having many problems so that is one of the reasons.
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Re: Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?

Postby wolfetone100 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:10 pm

Well your clearly a perfect specimen of humanity Edwin many people are not so fortunate. Many people sink into useing alcohol or drugs to escape reality because its too hard for them to deal with things in their lives and many people who are dependant on these things are not really thinking about the long term effects of them. I can give two examples A) A girl i went to high school with used a lot of drugs she took xtc she smoked a lot of pot she took heroin now the reason behind it and other bad behaviour turned out to be that she had been molested by a family member and to take the pain away she did these things no puppy dogs or rainbows for her at that time. She has turned her life around with the help of her family mainly and is in a good relationship last i heard.

B) A man i became friendly with after i met him and his girlfriend on holiday some years ago and have kept in contact with signed on with the Army in the US his main motivation being they would help him pay his way through university i'm sure some people on here are far more familiar with the system over there than i. He did two tours in iraq without getting into any specific detail he had to endure a horrible time and it undoubtedly changed his life. He has not gone to Univercity and his relationship ended he drinks a lot he has tried to do AA and counciling but he cant face it i'm sure he would like to have his life back and not touch a drop sadly things are not always that easy.
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Re: Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?

Postby BigBlastGuy » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:08 pm

red wrote:People use alcohol due to cold weather it gives warm on your body. Some drink due to peer pressure. Some drink to relieve depress emotions, some drink because they can express better when they drink alcohol. Some drink for celebration calls. But if its too much its bad and can lead to addiction just like drugs. Marijuana is actually a medicinal herb but if its too much and succumb to it then its addiction. People do drugs because it gives them good feeling like they can do everything as in everything. People who succumb themselves to alcohol and drugs are coward and careless. and selfish because they dont care themselves and mostly they dont care their families carrying the burden they caused. I wont care visiting "flip" in rehabs. They dont deserve to be taken care of. Let them help themselves. They did it so let them suffer.

Red you stimulate an interesting question.

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Re: Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:20 am

I have a feeling that sometimes people find excuses for these things that sound legitimate, when the truth is that they just want to at first, and then shortly get hooked. I worked with a man in the sawmill. He was a saw filer, had a great job, and got paid a lot of money. I think he hit the beer a little too much. Anyway he got diabetes, and he didn't take care of it, so shortly he died from it. I had a friend who worked as a receptionist in a medical clinic, and she was mad at him because he didn't take care of himself, and he put a burden on his family. I was visiting him not long before he died. It was fun visiting him, and very sad knowing he did not have long to live. :D :D :D :D
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