Yes, fruits and vegetables are good anytime, and necessary. Our youngest daughter in town, her apricot tree's fruit is ripe. When we were there Sunday, Carol ate a lot, just off the ground that had fallen as a result of the wind and rain. So then I went out there and ate a lot also. Then Carol picked up them off the ground and put them single layer in two boxes. She gave one of them to our daughter who lives here close beside us, and we have been eating the rest. They finally got too ripe, so she fed the rest of them to her two banti hens and rooster.
I reduce my eating to one cup rice and fruits each meal. Plus i get sexercise ever since my husband came back lol i do lots of chores so it feels good sweating alot. Burn the carb baby....
I have been working so hard lately that I shouldn't weigh any thing at all, and I think I am down in my weight just a little, but I don't need to lose weight. I am just happy that my body has been holding up with all this really hard work! I have been fearing injury, but I am almost finished with the really hard work, and it appears that my body is going to hold up. In fact I am doing better now even with working so hard than I did before, so the Lord is helping me! We actually eat really well, and seldom do I feel like I eat too much, and I love to eat!