Temperature Problems

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Temperature Problems

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:28 am

When I was down digging in my cellar, I kept hearing the pump kick on, then one second later or less kick off. It bewildered me, but I didn't give a very much thought, until Carol was washing some radishes that we were going to have for dinner. I heard it come on, then almost immediately I heard it turn off! It confused me because it is a whole new system, actually new motor, rebuilt pump as good as or better than new. I had an empty 2 & 1/2 gallon bucket, so filled it, listening to the pump do the same thing. I discovered the 88 gallon pressure tank was virtually empty. What happened was that because of our hot weather the sun had heated the tank, metal, water, bladder, and air until it had increased the air pressure to over 50 pounds, and it squeezed all the water out of the tank. The only water was in the pipe and it was like having no pressure tank at all. We turned the electricity off going to the motor, ran out the little bit of water in the pipes, and then released all the air pressure except for 28 pounds, which is what it is supposed to have in it, and turned the pump back on, filling the pressure tank, and now it should work okay, even with it being so hot. When it cools off the pressure may be lower than it should be, but that will not be a problem, and I will have the whole system in the cellar before long where there will not be huge temperature swings! I pumped air into the tank at night, bringing the pressure to 28 pounds, and it worked okay as long as there was cold water in the tank, but once that water heated, because we do not use that much water, then it changed the air pressure and made the pressure tank so that it didn't even work! I knew about pressure changes with temperature changes, but I never thought it would be that drastic! Live and learn! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Temperature Problems

Postby MONLMON » Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:46 pm

Might want to try insulating the tank & pipes..thus keeping the system cooler...can't find ole insulation material, use wet coconut husk fiber in mesh liner...wraped around...air flow will pull the heat out of and off tank
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Re: Temperature Problems

Postby Edwin » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:45 am

Thanks MONLMON, we let some air pressure out of the tank. I could have covered it, protecting it from the sun and the heat, but we will soon have it in the cellar, and there it will be cool all the time. I never thought about the heat causing such an extreme problem. It is just temporarily where it is until the completion of the cellar. All the digging is finished, and now it is just a matter of consruction the walls, which should be much easier than what I have done so far! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Temperature Problems

Postby Edwin » Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:58 pm

We don't use a lot of water, so the water in the pressure tank stays there a while before it is used. Carol was saying that she had hot water out of that tank, just from being in the sun. She wanted cold or cool water, but it was all hot. Soon that pressure tank will be in the cellar, and then the water will be cool all the time, unless it is heated in the hot water tank, which I am going to put down there with the pressure tank. Now we are getting by with a 2 gallon hot water heater which is a quick recovery, so we have hot water again soon after we have used all of it. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Temperature Problems

Postby purex » Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:45 am

Lately, I feel dehydrated. I try to drink a lot of water and more liquid or fruit juices. I feel that I would faint when the temperature is so high. :|
During the daytime, it is very hot while after 5pm, the rain starts and it is heavy rain. I must get back to cook as soon as possible since I am using electric ware to cook. :P
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Re: Temperature Problems

Postby Edwin » Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:22 am

Yes, purex, when you are using electricity to cook your meals, it doesn't work when the electricity goes out. Where we used to live, we lost electrical power often, and we had to be prepared to live without it at times. Here it is pretty reliable. Our pellet stove for keeping us warm in the winter is run by electricty, so we have been cold a few times, but not many. I have an electric gasoline powered electric generator that I have never used. I could if it were really important. But, for no oftener than we have lost electricity I wouldn't even need it at all. I have it, if I ever need it.

purex, I used to work harder than I should in the heat without drinking enough liquid, then at night I would be so dehydrated. The last really hard work I did, I did a lot of drinking, water and orange juice, and I was careful not to work until I was so tired that I couldn't breathe. When I was breathing really hard, my heart pounding, I would stop and rest just for even a minute helps, then after a short time, I go get a drink of water and orange juice. By doing that I got along fine. Where I have been working in the cellar was cool except when the sun came beating in with no shade, then it was a little hotter. I am finished with my really hard work for now, and that is a good feeling to have it behind me! You need to be careful with your health when the weather is very hot! I can be dangerous! Drink lots of water/juice, and don't work too hard! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Temperature Problems

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:37 pm

I was so scared last night, The rain was so heavy, and I go uptairs because the water level rise up. I was waiting for my friend, Girlie to come home but she still in the city proper until past 8pm. I do not know what to do, but I just really went to the second floor of the apartment. I am scared again.
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Re: Temperature Problems

Postby Edwin » Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:43 pm

That is frightening with the heavy rain, and the water level rising! I hope you are okay, and girlie also! Our temperatures have gone down a little, but not much. We have not had rain for many days now and everything is getting very dry and dusty! People cutting wheat right now don't want rain though! I hope you and all the people around you are safe! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Temperature Problems

Postby Edwin » Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:31 pm

Our hot weather continues! It is now 34.4444444444444444444 degrees Celcius in the house, and I don't even want to know how hot it is outside! No, I really don't care. The heat doesn't bother me, but Carol has a hard time with it. Well, it is past the middle of the month of August, so our hot days are numbered, and then we will have cooler weather. I wait as late as I can to start walking with the doggies, and the first round and a half are pretty warm yet for them, but the last part of the walk is pretty cool. Actually it is cooling off enough by 7 p.m., when I start my walk, so that the air feels good! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Temperature Problems

Postby Smiley » Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:09 pm

It has been fairly cool around here the last little while. I really don`t mind as I have been working pretty hard and the cooler temperatures are welcome.It`s creeping back into the mid-80`s again.Just the way I like it.My favorite weather is between mid 70`s to mid 80`s.
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