Smiley started this thread on a night like this I think. The message says that I and zero guests are browsing this forum! I know that people have things that obligate their time, and they can't always be on here. There are times when we are away from home, and it is not convinient to use a computer/the internet. Then the time zone differences were given as a possible reason why this forum seems so quiet at times. If I am not mistaken the USA has 4 time zones. I am in the Pacific Northwest, so this time of the year we are on Pacific Daylight Time. The time in the Philippines is 15 hours ahead of our time. So figuring the time in the Philippines is easy. I just go around the 12 hour clock, say from 8 a.m. our time to 8 p.m., and then I add 3 more hours to that, making it 11 p.m. in the Philippines. So early morning for me is only one hour before mid night in the Philippines. That means to connect I have to be up early, and the person in the philippines has to be up late. Beyond that time, most people in the Philippines are in bed and asleep. Late hours for me are early hours for a person in the Philippines. Now say a person in Florida is 12 hours earlier than the Philippines, so 4 a.m. for a person in Florida is 4 p.m. for the person in the Philippines. It is probably more difficult for a person on the West Coast to connect with someone in the Philippines than it would be for a person on the East Coast to connect with a person in the Philippines. Where there is a will, there is a way, and people do find ways and time to connect.
So, people might not see my posts immediately, but they will see them. Then they will get on and post, and I might not see their posts until hours later, but I will see them, and then I will post.