Family in Distress

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Re: Family in Distress

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:24 pm

Sir Michael, that is a very sad story! Carol worked in a pharmacy store for about ten years, and they cautioned them, that if they were ever confronted, like held up, or asked for money, cooperate. Give them what they want, but don't be the tough guy and refuse. No one wants to get pushed around or run over, but sometimes it is better not to try to defend yourself. So, if they were ever held up, they were to hand over the cash. These guys might have done that even if the Canadian had cooperated with them, it is hard to say. I hope they find out who did this and bring them to justice!
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Re: Family in Distress

Postby red » Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:56 am

Thats sad news there. I guess foreigners safety here depends on circumstances.
Just a tip here for foreigners. When some beggars ask for food or coin just give them little but dont give repeatedly to the same person if you dont feel like giving just say no nicely. Because you never know what these people are capable of hurting you. Like my hubby he can be mean in saying no plus words that they dont understand. Just say no and dont add more words. Lets say some vendors are loud and you are annoyed just be patient because they are trying to make a living you can stop them hollering by saying it politely.
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Re: Family in Distress

Postby crisipicada » Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:49 am

you will really do not know what is in people's mind. For foreigners who will visit the places here in Mindanao, it is better to be kind and not be rude. I do believe that they want be good to you as much as you can be approachable. Being mean is not good, it triggers anger. And an angry person will do hurt you if he can not control his temper. That is why, be friendly, smile as much as you can, do not be high minded person as if you are proud of yourself. Remember, you are in the Philippines, not in your country. People here, generally, think that strangers are able to give them even a little amount of money.
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Re: Family in Distress

Postby Smiley » Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:14 pm

Harry is (was?) a friend of a friend.He owned a motel there.My friends from near there claim that Harry was shot at home and not as reported in the article. I doubt the report that it was a result of a pushy beggar. I have never seen someone panhandling with a black handkerchief covering his face,sounds like this was just a robbery gone bad or an old score being settled.He had a few enemies.
Sad part is,he leaves behind a wife and a son. The son is autistic.
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Re: Family in Distress

Postby Edwin » Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:53 pm

Yes, Smiley, that is sad that Harry left behind family that depended on him. Years ago I flew to Chicago, Illinios to help my nephew and his filipina wife move back to Washington State. His filipina's aunt, and the rest of the bunch picked me up from the airport, and I spent a lot of time with her filipino relatives in Chicago, and ate more rice than I had ever eaten in my life! Well, after we left the airport, we went to McDonald's to eat something, and there was this really nicely dressed black man who was begging inside the McDonald's restaurant. Anyway her aunt gave the man some money, and that is the first time in my life I ever saw anyone begging in a restaurant. She was very happy to give the man some money. She worked hard at the airport, and had a little money and didn't mind sharing it.

When I was in the Philippines my friend's filipina wife's family was talking about the murder of a German man who I think was about to get married in Negros Oriental. He had a house in the mountains, and someone came in on him. He begged them to take anything they wanted, but they killed him with a large knife. It was sad and scarey!
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Re: Family in Distress

Postby Smiley » Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:38 pm

Starting to sound more and more suspicious, I have heard from people in Cebu that knew Harry pretty well that his wife is not being co-operative with the investigation and that he was involved with some dubious characters. This aounds to me like a good one to stay away from,not my business and I have no incentive to make it my business. :|
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Re: Family in Distress

Postby jadegil6 » Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:08 pm

I heard the same thing, and that he was shot 5 times in the abdomen area.

I have herard of several foriegners who have died in the Philippines under suspicious circumstances shortly after building new homes. My friends here in the US are telling me to rent places to live when I move to the Philippines, and maybe I'll live a little longer. lol
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Re: Family in Distress

Postby Edwin » Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:56 pm

Yes, I think, if I remember correctly that this German man who was murdered in the mountains of Negros Oriental, had also built a new home there, and in his new home is where the murder took place. He begged them to take anything they wanted, but they murdered him anyway! :( :(
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Re: Family in Distress

Postby Smiley » Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:25 pm

The plot thickens (sickens?). . . . From all accounts via people acquainted with Harry and wife,it would seem that they were both dodgey characters. It is now official that the wife and the driver/gardener/bodygaurd murdered him for his money and insurance. She is presently in Canada and the Philippines does not have much of an extradition treaty with Canada anymore.
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Re: Family in Distress

Postby Edwin » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:28 pm

Smiley, this murder of Harry Doyle reminds me of another murder that took place in the Philippines a few years ago. It has been long enough ago that now I can't remember names, but this divorced preacher from England moved to the Philippines and began ministry and humanitarian activities. He was raising money in England then he was buying computers for kids in the Philippines. He married a young filipina and shortly after that he was murdered. The filipina hired someone to kill him. She said that he was sexually abusive, but that was her story? Who knows what the true story was. It was very sad anyway. :( :(
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