I found out what caused our electrical outage. We have a guy whose father started a crop dusting business. He used to crop dust for my brother. Then he got diabetes and they wouldn't let him fly anymore, so he turned the business over to his son. His son owned the airplanes that I used to fly years ago, in the late 1970s. We have been watching that airplane here too. We watched this airplane fly low, just barely above our house just a few days ago while this guy was crop dusting. The son just sold this airplane and his crop dusting business to someone else, and that person this morning hit a power line, crashed the airplane, scattering airplane parts all over the field. Our neighbor wrote on facebook that there were firetrucks there as they are always worried about a fire when there is a plane crash, and police officers every where, as well as an abulance. They took the pilot to the hospital, so I assume he is not dead yet, or at least soon after he crashed his plane, although if he were dead we might not hear that for a short time. I have been praying for him. I am very sorry that this has happened. Crop dusting is one of the more dangerous occupations possible. Over the years since I was a big kid we have had several pilots killed crop dusting, usually in the apple orchards. They are close to the ground and other objects, and flying through the air is not like driving on a solid road. It is more like being in a boat in the water, and with crop dusting you can't make any mistake while flying within close proximatey to any objects, hillsides, or the ground. The airplane is very heavy when loaded and it does not repsond quickly. You can't pull up quickly, or turn quickly. Any manuevering of the stick has a delayed reaction in any airplane, and especially a heavy crop dusting airplane.