What is your weather/season like?

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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:20 pm

We have had a number of days that it has been as hot as it was cold earlier! I think it will cool off just slightly as that seems to be the trend. It is cool digging in my cellar until the middle of the afternoon when all the shade disappears down there, and then I get a little hot while working. It bothers me to have the sweat run in my eyes and on my glasses after which I can't see very well. One day it was hot, but the wind came up, and even though I had no shade it was comfortable because of the hard wind blowing! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby purex » Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:04 am

I am sad to know that we will be experiencing El Nino phenomenon or that is long drout. If that happens, farmers will be affected and the demand of rice and other goods will increase. In that case, prices of goods increase too.

I just hope that the government and also the filipino itself, will make a plan and preparation for the incoming phenomenon. Like, saving some money to buy rice and foods, to stock goods while it is yet low price, to stock can goods and water and a lot more.
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:48 pm

That is sad to think about that, purex! It is good if we see hard times coming to be prepared, if at all possible. God used Joseph in the Old Testiment to save his people Israel and the Egyptians by saving the food during the years of plenty for the times when things were going to be in short supply. Sometimes we don't have enough to save ahead, but if we do that helps. We should stock pile foods that will keep in our root cellar for when we don't have so much! That is always a good idea! :D :D
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