Breaking up is not easy, when relationship needs to go

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Re: Breaking up is not easy, when relationship needs to go

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:05 am

Yes, when one door closes then another one opens, or maybe even a window of opportunity opens. Charges are difficult I think for all of us, even when the change is for the better. Crisi is right about trusting the Lord for the relationship. God is always giving us the best, and it is important to think positive as well. Never lose hope, and hope in the Lord "maketh not ashamed." :D :D :D :D
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Re: Breaking up is not easy, when relationship needs to go

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:43 am

Edwin wrote:Yes, when one door closes then another one opens, or maybe even a window of opportunity opens. Charges are difficult I think for all of us, even when the change is for the better. Crisi is right about trusting the Lord for the relationship. God is always giving us the best, and it is important to think positive as well. Never lose hope, and hope in the Lord "maketh not ashamed." :D :D :D :D

Breaking up with someone is like climbing to mount everest, and then you just fall into the ground. It really hurts. It is so much damaging, I do believe your bones will be cracked and make you a lot of injuries. The worst thing is, it is deadly!

How many of short term relationship that you have had? Why shop if you are not gonna buy? Do not go to that expensive store if you cannot afford because you might be in jailed or work in that store for many working days if you cannot pay that expensive ware you damaged? Why date if you cannot marry yet? Remember, getting into a relationship without commitment is dangerous. It feels good to have someone with you right now, but until when you can hold on? Did you figure out how long will you stay?

Having relationship with someone cost commitment! Without commitment, it feels good, like eating icing in a cake, it is sweet but it make you sick !!!! :!: :!: :!:
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Re: Breaking up is not easy, when relationship needs to go

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:03 am

Not all relationships are healthy, and it is great if a person can understand and avoid unhealthy relationships. Being unequally yoked together is one unhealthy relationship. Trouble is bound to come in such a relationship. Seeking wisdom from God helps us to have healthy relationships, and then, yes, commitment is very important. If we allow ourselves to be into unhealthy relationships we will get sick, so it is better to seek God and do it right, with the right person, at the right time. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Breaking up is not easy, when relationship needs to go

Postby crisipicada » Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:50 am

Just think positive. This is what I have learned. I need to be surrounded by people who are positive in life. Also to refrain from negative people.
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Re: Breaking up is not easy, when relationship needs to go

Postby purex » Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:15 am

crisipicada wrote:This is what I believe, before intering into romantic relationship with someone, be honest to yourself and to God about your intention of finding a husband or wife not because it is because you just needed one and no commitment at all.

Being into 4 year relationship with your gf is quite a long time. You and her have invested too much - time, effort, energy, money, emotions, etc. And just beecause she become busy in her work, she changed her mind on you? That would strange. Is she has someone else where she works? Maybe this may caused her coldness of her feelings to you because she found another guy. Another thing is that, she might not yet ready to settle down and still wants to enjoy her life as a single while you are ready now to move to marriage. In any case, when the relationship needs to go, it must be done right away. Prolonging it will only add more pain. In any factor to break up the relationship, it wont be easy. believe me, I have observed that to those who encountered breaking up, will always be hard. But this is all I can advise you. Continuing a wrong relationship only increases the pain when it finally does end. It will save you a lot of sorrow and regreat tomorrow if you have the courage to obey now.

There are many relationships that must ends with finality because that relationship to continue is definitely headed in the wrong direction and it m akes both the guy and girl to suffer. When you really need to end the relationship, there are thingss that you m ust remember.

First, really end it. Why? Because you are just prolonging the pain. Do not ever leave any string attached or hint at the possibility of reuniting someday. Maybe you should probably agree to steer clear of each other for a while afterward.

In your case, you might feel tempted to call her after you will break up with her or you are now break with her - because you wanted to talk to heror chat or inviting her to go out "just for the old time's sake." I do believe that doing so would only reawaken old feelings. I knew it, it owuld be hard but you knew it for the first place that bothe of you wont work out with each other and so you need to move on and had to end the relationship with finality.

The best that you can do is to pray for God's guidance. Talk to God heart to heart and tell him everything how you feel. Accepting things going on is the start of healing. God will always give you peace dispite of all that is going on that seems so hard for you to understand. Keep believing and trusting the Lord. He always prepare someone for you who is the best for you ever. Who knows, someone is there waiting for you. :D Be patient and let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and lead you. Best wishes.

We must make every effort to build lives, to be an encouragement, to be a blessing to someone. Communication must meant to be helping each other for us to grow and not to tear down someones life. Like in searching for a partner in life, we must begin in ourselves to make us mature and be ready for the next season of our lives. Grow and be ready, then if you find the one, then it is the time to get into married life. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Wn God knows yor READY 4 D rsponsibility of comitment,He'l reveal D ryt prson undr Hs tym& ryt circumstnces.Wait patiently,Dont waste Ur tym srching& wshing.Grow& b redy &yo'l see.God wl giv U a lov story far betr than U cud ever dreamed
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Re: Breaking up is not easy, when relationship needs to go

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:12 pm

Yes, purex, it is very important for each one of us to be the person we are supposed to be. What you are is much more important than what you have. What you know and what you can do, and the kind of person you are is important. Each of us needs to seek to be the best person we can in the Lord and seek to do the best we can. Be what we are and don't try to be anyone else except for you. Only trouble will come from trying to be something or someone that you are not. Be yourself! :D :D
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