Being close to someone is what someone desire in life. We become dependent and feeling vulnerable and open to someone. It is giving to and receiving from another person the deepest parts of who we are and we are willing to give the live to someone for a life time.This moment of intimacy of relationship has in common is TRUST. In the long run of knowing each other, two people has proven their faithfulness, people who have shown over time that they will be careful to guard what we have given of ourselves. We become intimate with people who are committed to us. Do you desire that?
Yes, indeed, I do desire that. I do believe that it is gift from God. The gift of having an intimate relationship to other person with which we long for is one of the most fulfilling and precious parts of life. Different kinds of intimate relationships in life - can be to a friend, to family members, with our coworker, but the most meaningful of intimate relationship is the one between a husband and wife who share not only hearts but also their bodies in sexual intimacy wherein two people know each other in a profound way.
If we only committed to be true and honest with someone in life, the joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment, without commitment for a life time, is like icing on a cake, sweet but make us sick.