How to Bring Out the Best in People

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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby purex » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:22 am

To have positive impact to people, be positive with your thoughts and actions, too.

Just last Monday, I encounter someone who process his building permit as built in this office. It has been a long time that he try to comply all the requirements.

When I refer to my superior, he advise to have an ocular inspection of the site. THen he said, "He is so strict and so hard".

When I heard that, I try to explain the procedure so that the image of my superior will be protected as much as the organization. In the soft and well explained back up with the provisions on building and fire code, he then realize to follow process or procedure.

I can't imagine how rude a person could be if he wanted to fast tract his papers. But with good communication, everything will be okay.

Just yesterday, his papers are okay. Thus, this brings out the best in person.
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby Edwin » Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:01 am

purex, it is hard sometimes to be caught in the middle, huh, between the customer, yourself, and the supervisor. There are reasons why things have to be done in a certain manner. It is for the safety and good of all, including the person trying to get the okay. With good communication and a soft voice while you explained what needed to be done you brought out the best in this person. A soft answer turneth away wrath! :D :D
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby crisipicada » Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:54 am

Many times in my life that it is hard to explain things to people just like explaining the same thing to many people. It is sometimes feeling irritable. To change my attitude, I always think that I am doing this for the Lord and that it changes my outlook in life. Try it and you will be amazed!
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby Edwin » Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:44 pm

Ecclesiastis 9:10;, and Colossians 3:23; tell us that whatever we find to do, we are to do it with all our might, and we are to do it not as unto men, but as unto the Lord. When I was a young man I had a job in a sawmill. I was always working as hard as I could, and that was pretty hard back then, and I always went at it as if I was having fun, because I was. I had a Christian boss at that time, and he was impressed, and told me it looked like I was doing my work as unto the Lord, and yes I was.

Yes, Crisi, you say the same things, explain the same things to people so many times, that sometimes it makes you feel like, "well, why don't they get it?" Sometimes I will bet you feel like you would like to have it recorded and just press the play buttom, and tell people, "Listen," when they ask the questions, and the recording begins to play.

I think I wrote this somewhere before on this forum, but years ago there was an airline's advertisement that was telling how good their customer service was. They had this lady behind the counter, and this guy approached her, and she started scolding him, asking him, "Do you have a problem? I will give you a problem!" She was mad when he approached and he did not get treated very well, and probably decided to go with the other airlines! :D :D
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:25 am

The best to show people about life is to be a good example. Like having good traits and good character, people will also wanted to be like you. it is contagious to be a good example.. Like many people would say, " he is so different and very nice person", we can too.

To train the child is a good start to lead them to a good direction. It is easy for them to do what they see. And when they grow, they will be able to do the good deeds that they have learned. It is a matter of observation of their surroundings and mimic what they see. That is why, it is good to teach them right and good early in life. As book of proverbs says, train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:31 pm

Yes, Crisi, the best sermons you can preach, so to speak, are the sermons that you live. We all have heard the expression, "practice what you preach." Often times this is said by people who are putting other people down. But there is some truth to that. There is another expression that means the same thing, and I can't remember exactly how it goes, but it has something to do with walking the talk, and simply means that you don't only tell someone else how to live, but you live it yourself. Being a good example is the best teaching or preaching there is. A preacher who practices what he preaches is doing something wonderful for people. The parents who live like they want their children to live, they are teaching by example, and they are more apt to be successful than those who say, "do as I say, but don't do as I do." Giving the examples by living the examples is the best! :D :D
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