Smiley, you are right; we live in a throw away society! Often times it costs more for 1/100th of the parts in an appliance than it would cost to buy a brand new one, so why would anyone fix anything and use it, rather than buying a new one, paying a small dumping fee, send it to the landfill! I am with you that I have a lot of things that could be fixed, maybe will be fixed, maybe won't be fixed, but I have them, and some day I may have a memorial and dump them!
The neighbors have an old chevy, I thought it was a one ton, but my son in law says it is a half 3/4 ton, nice factory metal flat bed; I guess that is why I thought it was a one ton. One winter it caught fire and burned up. The tires were sitting in the snow, so they are still good, with air still in them inspite of the burn out of the vehicle. I was tempted to ask them what they wanted for it, and then repair, restore it for the fun of it, but my brother told me that parts cost so much money that I could probably buy another one cheaper, so I probably won't get it, but it is a dream. Yes, it would take a lot of work to bring it back, but it would be fun. My old half ton, I overload most every time I haul anything, because even our Van/car is rated to haul more than that old pickup, but it is versatile. I have horse racks on it that my brother built, used as long as he wanted them, and then gave them to me one year for my birthday present. It was a gift of love, as he made them himself, better than a factory would have, and then he hauled lots of horses with them, as he broke horses for money for many years, and I mean many horses. He used to take peoples horses that someone else tried to break, spoiled the horse, bailed out on that horse, and then he would take the horse and brake it. Sometimes the horse would break him, although he never got hurt badly in breaking those horses, even though one time he landed on his head in a rock pile! All his injuries came from rodeoing, and I stayed away from that game purposesly because I didn't like what rodeoing does to the human body!
Anyway, I might just think forever that it would be fun to bring that old truck back to life, and then I might or might not ever do that! it is fun to think about anyway!