Experiencing God's Power

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Experiencing God's Power

Postby Edwin » Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:32 am

There is a church song/hymn that gives testimony to the way I think about God and the Christian walk. The song is "He LIves." One part of the song goes, "And jsut the time I need Him He's always near." The entire song is great and has wonderful things to say, but also the end of the chorus says what I think as well: "You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart." My Mother's family were backslidden Baptist people. They believe and professed, but they didn't practice it. I think both my grandparents accepted the Lord late in life before dying. My grandmother on my Dad's side of the family was a Christian, but my grandfather, Dad's Dad was not, but I hope he accepted the Lord before he died, and that is all we can hope. My Mom and Dad both accepted the Lord early in their married adult life, and they lived to please God all their lives, setting a godly example. I am no doubt a Christian because of the godly example my parents set for me.

I have been in church all of my life most of the years in the Assemblies of God churches, and the last number of years in the Free Methodist church. I have experienced God's power twice in my life. Once was when I was in my early teen years. We had two women evangelist who were holding meetins at our church, every night of the week. They were laying their hands on people, praying for them, and they were falling on the floor under God's power. Some people might question that, but I know it is real. One of them laid their hands on my head, and I didn't fall on the floor, but God's power went through my body in a way that I will never forget! I don't even know how to describe it, because there are no words to describe what happened to me, and it was powerful. The other experience I had from God's power was at the end of a sectional fellowship meeting at our church where I was the pastor at the time. Everyone was praying right at the end of the church service. I had the sensation that I was lifted up to the high ceiling in that church building, and the experience was real. It is hard to describe exactly what happened except that it was almost like I was out of my body and near the ceiling. I never had that experience before that time or since, but it was real. Those were the two times that I really experienced God power. :D :D
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Re: Experiencing God's Power

Postby crisipicada » Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:32 am

Everyday, I experience the presence of God in my life. Having another day in my life is already His grace and power. No one can be able to live and plan for his life that would lead to right way unless it is in accordance to His will. Of course many times we make wrong choices, but thanks that it causes to good to them that love Him.

we may be successful in many thing, but a life that is live for Him is the one that is spend to the fullest. Sometimes we achieve what we want but there is always emptiness in our heart that need someone to fill in.

Experiencing His power is a choice. The more we surrender, the more we succeed. The more we kneel down, the more He lift us up. :D :D :D
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Re: Experiencing God's Power

Postby Edwin » Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:13 am

According to the Bible notes in my King James Version Psalm 106: is about Israel's rebellions and God's mercy. God does all things well, and God is plentiful in mercy. The question is asked, "Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? Of course He will. Psalm 106:13; "They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel: 14; But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. 15; And he gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul."

They were envious as well, and they were guilty of other sins also. Sometimes if you want something bad enough you can get it, or like with Israel, it is not what God wants for you, but He will allow you to have it, and you will be sent lealnness into your soul. We do not need leanness of soul.

Our lives are a blessing and a gift from God. We are to honor God with our lives. Then there comes a time that our commitment is such that we will say with Job, Though you will slay me, still I will serve you! God is the one who needs to fill the emptiness of our hearts and souls. We have been created with the need and capacity to have God fill our hearts, minds, and souls! :D :D
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Re: Experiencing God's Power

Postby red » Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:20 pm

I Have seen lots of church members that have experienced God's power, it is overwhelming of Holy Spirit. I believe that it's a miracle and itself can cure diseases illnesses. I strongly believe on that one. I believe on speaking of tongue as a gift from God. I have not experience it since he he...they say you gotta ask for it and believe and don't doubt don't be afraid. My sister one time said " oh my something is wrong with you if you have not experience it yet." So I began to question myself..it is good though self checking spiritually, it is nice that way. :D
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Re: Experiencing God's Power

Postby red » Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:21 pm

Sir Ed, if you may explain further about speaking of tongues...I know you know. ;) :D
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Re: Experiencing God's Power

Postby Edwin » Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:50 pm

Jesus gave the promise of the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit coming upon the believers in Acts 1:8;,and then in Acts chapter 2 the description of what happened when the Holy Spirit came on them, is given. It was prophecied by Old Testiment prophets, and the speaking in other tongues is encouraged with the believers. When you speak in tongues you are praying in an unknown language. Apostles taught that when tongues is used in the church it should be interpreted so that the entire church can benefit. Paul did some teaching on it so that it would happen in an orderly fashion. Individual praying in tongues is one thing, and the Apostle Paul said that he did that more than them all, but in the church service he suggested some order, and some interpretations. It is actually a testimony to the unbelievers. I have heard stories about Someone speaking with the Holy Spirit guiding, and there have been people in the church service that have been ministered to, as the speaking in tongues was in their native language. I have never been where that has happened, but I have heard about it, and I believe it. Yes, we are to ask the Holy Spirit from God, and Jesus said that He is happy to give good gifts to His children. It is real. It has not been happening as much as it used to. Not all churches accept this, and some think that it was only to get the early church started, but I think it is for all people of all times. :D :D
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Re: Experiencing God's Power

Postby mystic » Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:56 am

Red, what church are you from? I participated in a renewal movement where they had certain interventions by the holy spirit. But mine was a little group and only little thing happened. I heard of the neighboring church where there was one speaking in tongues. And at other times I saw in the US people falling into a sort of "trance" state. This seems typical in black churches.

I tried to study the phenomenon, which I always found very little documented. It seems a sort of mouth to mouth transmission. When I saw something happening, I always recognized certain specific techniques that led to the manifestation of the holy spirit. Black people use music a lot. It is very carefully chosen. They start with slow rhythms at acceptable volumes. Then, they slowly increase the speed and the volume. As people begin to move/dance, the atmosphere becomes warmer (maybe a combined effect of the natural heat of moving people, the heat of the candles, the lowering level of oxygen in the air), the pressure on consciousness increasing, somebody bursts in tongues or has other manifestations.
In renovation encounters, it's not much the music, but the pressure on the consciousness is gradually escalated through repeating certain sequences of prayers (like they would be mantras), hitting repeatedly certain topics that might have a certain impact on the sensibility of the people there, declaring things with fervor and quicker and stronger voice.

The Roman church is generally very careful with those things. They are accepted, used, but... no documentation. It is almost hidden, here, in Italy. I think that the reason is that they are sort of "induced effects". If there would be no induction, the holy spirit would not manifest. But... if there is induction it might be just an altered state of consciousness, and not the holy spirit. There are some criteria to distinguish. But, as you might understand, if this would be so real, we would be full of new prophets. And I am aware of no new prophet introduced officially by the church. So, the church knows it is something not so holy. To be really holy, it should happen in the light of the day, without any induction of influence in a prayer group or particular situation. The people would think that the person is "crazy", but after a proper analysis it should be found that the person is prophesying (in tongues, in this case).

So, be careful for the fashion. Speaking in tongues is not something to experience as an alternative life experience. It is usually something that somebody smart (who knows how the psyche works) induces to you to let you think that the holy spirit is descending in you and increase your faith. Black magic, hypnotism, all use the same techniques to make disciples. I'm not saying that the church does something bad, but there are really many aspects to consider. Take it for what it is: something to increase your faith.
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Re: Experiencing God's Power

Postby red » Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:33 pm

Mystic, I go to church of Assemblies of God. In praise and worship to the Lord we are somewhat alike that the blacks do. Everybody in our church participates in singing out loud to the Lord. Some members of the church when overwhelmed with Holy Spirit that is when they do speaking in tongues. It cannot be understood by any ordinary person but somebody in the church can interpret it. Like few times in our church in Phils. couple of members were speaking in tongue and it was interpreted by another who was also filled up with Holy Spirit and he was speaking in native language and it was the interpretation of that other two speaking in tongue. :D It is amazing how powerful God is. By speaking of tongue everybody will know what Holy Spirit wants us to do like to continue spreading the gospel of the Lord, be alert at all time of His second coming those are just a few.
I know not all of us here believe in speaking of tongue, what matters is we all love and worship the Lord almighty the maker of heaven and earth and to all of us living creatures. :)
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Re: Experiencing God's Power

Postby Edwin » Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:17 am

Yes, Red, there is great joy in worshipping the Lord and being in His presesnce. You and I are from the same church organization, and I think it is one of the best church organizations anywhere. I know as you said not all believe in speaking in tongues. Even though I am an Assemblies of God ordained minister, and have a long history working in the ministry in that church, we actually attend the Free Methodist church. They do not believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit like we do, but it is also a wonderful church organization, and they beleive and worship God in Spirit and in truth, just like the Baptists and many other church organizations. As you said the important thing truly is that we love and worship the Lord, not matter what church organization we affiliate ourselves with. :D :D
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Re: Experiencing God's Power

Postby mystic » Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:57 am

That's interesting, thanks for the information. I will have to attend a Church of Assemblies of God one day, if I find one.

From the description, like multiple persons in an altered state of consciousness explaining each other, it seems like the Jewish practice of Maggidim. But in this case, instead of the descent of the Holy Spirit, they say that an angel of God (Maggid) enters the person and speaks, sometimes in different languages. The physical person that becomes the vehicle (chariot) for this manifestation often remembers nothing, if questioned at a later time.
Certain Maggidim become so famous that in certain towns there are rows of people going to them to ask any kind of question and receive "an answer from God".

In the same way, it seems that there is a tradition of various ways of becoming possessed. Rabbi Chaim Vital, in his book Gates of Holiness, describes that we can call a dead sait in us (see the people who visit the grave of those saints), a forefather, an angelic being, a Name of God, etc. The way of becoming a vehicle seems always the same and what happens thereafter is similar also.
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