Train Ride

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Re: Train Ride

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:00 pm

They have gone from Havre, Montana, to Shelby, Montana, to Cut Bank, Montana which is just north of Great Falls, Montana. They are almost to the border of Idaho in the north! They will soon be in Spokane, Washington which is their destination! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Train Ride

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:50 pm

I asked my daughter what it was about speed when the weather temperatures are so hot. She told me that in hot weather the rails get hot enough to drail the train! They were told that their luggage was delayed 2 days. It so turned out that their luggage caught up with them, so I with my granddaughter will be going to get Carol in the morning. Our youngest daughter was going to on Thursday, but since I will be getting her on Wednesday, our daughter has an appointment that she can't miss! She said that it is okay though, so we will go without her. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Train Ride

Postby red » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:35 pm

I finally had experienced the train ride. My daughters said..MOmmy I thought its chooo They wondered why so fast. I told them its the modern train. They wanted to ride the old train.
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Re: Train Ride

Postby Edwin » Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:40 pm

That is funny, Red, about your daughters' reaction to the train ride. When Carol was in the elementary they took all the little kids on a train ride to a town about 10 miles away. She always wanted a cross country train ride, and she finally got one. It was like a dream come true for her! She and I both went on a very slow train ride that your daughters would have loved! It went from Ione, Washington to Medaline Falls, Washington, right on the Canadian/USA border north of Spokane, Washington. It was sponsored by the Lion's Club that does a lot of wonderful things and especially for children. We got there too late to go in the cattle cars, but we were in the passenger section, and we could walk from one car to another for about 4 cars. We couldn't see much most of the way as there were trees blocking our view. It was a lot of fun anyway! It seems like that train Carol rode cross country went up to 120 mile per hour, but when it got really hot they had to slow to 60 miles per hour, because at high speed the rails would heat up, causing them to bend, and that would cause the train to derail! I took one unintentional train ride once! At the time it was my job to load wood chips on the railroad cars. I was on top of a car putting a net over the chips so that they would not blow out going down the tracks at high speeds. The people operating the train did not realize I was up there, so out of town we went, and I wondered where they were going to stop. They did stop less than a mile out of town, and I crawled down, and walked back to where my job was! That was my first train ride! I'm not sure what would have happened had they not stopped within walking distance. I suppose eventually someone would have realized that no one was loading chips! :D :D
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Re: Train Ride

Postby sweetylovers123 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:48 pm

we need to take care and also just maintain what they have ..
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Re: Train Ride

Postby Edwin » Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:00 am

You are right, sweetylovers123, about taking care of the environment, and it is important. God has a judgement for people who destroy our environment. God is not happy to have people destroy the earth. This is somewhat controversial. There are some people who are so over protective of the environment that they will not allow any developement for any reason. They don't want any trees harvested, and they want all animals protected at all costs. Some go too far with this, and then some are destroying the environment. There has to be a happy medium where we can do things, but yet not damage our earth. :D :D
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