Skinny Dipping!

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Skinny Dipping!

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:49 pm

My older brother's first wife told about when she and a number of her other friends were in high school a few of those girls skipped school, went to the lake, and did some skinny dipping. I don't think they told the boys where they were going, or they might have had an audience!!!! :lol: :lol: I don't remember, but I will bet they got into a small amount of trouble for that action anyway!

Once I had our small grandson with me in a Pharmacy store where Carol was working, and the little guy could just barely reach the displays for the pictures they were selling. A number of them were scantily dressed and in somewhat revealing swim suits. The little guy could just barely reach them, but he was flipping them and looking at them. A young lady who worked there came by, shook her head, grinned from ear to ear, and said, "Well, its obvious that he is a typical male! :lol: :lol:

Where I ran tours and lived in this wilderness area, with one of my small tours to what is called, "Rainbow Falls," I was leading, and narrating to just a few people, and we came upon this young lady who was enjoying the water mist from the falls hitting the upper part of her exposed body! I mindlessly went down there, and didn't even realize what I was looking at. She acted a little embarrassed, but not too much, continuing exposing the upper part of her body until we left, which was only a few minutes because we were always short of time. When I got to the Bakery I told a couple of young guys that I worked with about the young lady at the falls, and they rode their bicyles there as fast as they could, but they were too late! :lol: :lol:

I saw a joke on Facebook that made me think of all of this. An old retired man went down to his pond, and found young ladies giggling. They ducked under the water with only their heads out, telling the older man that they were not going to come out of the water until he left! :lol: :lol: The older gentleman had a bucket with him to pick some fruit. He told them, "That is okay, stay in the water; I have just come down here to feed the allegator! :roll: :lol:
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Re: Skinny Dipping!

Postby Smiley » Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:01 pm

A little skinny dipping never hurt anybody ;) well unless you got caught,then it could be a little embarassing.Especially if the water was cold! :oops:
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Re: Skinny Dipping!

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:35 am

You are right, Smiley! The worst time to get caught would be when the water was cold! Where we lived for ten years in the National Park at the head of Lake Chelan the water came off from glaciers, and it was extremely cold. People did swim there, but they only stay in the water a very short time because their muscles stop working in just a little while, and if you are caught out, you will downd, not because you can't swim, but because your muscles will not work! It has happened to more than one person there. So if you are skinny dipping there, and someone comes along and refuses to leave, I guarantee you that you will come out of that water bare naked, because you can't help yourself, and you have no choice!

We have a friend who Pastored an Assembly of God church in a neighboring town to ours, and for a while I was pastoring in the next town. Anyway he had a brother who was on a job, and a bunch of these guys decided to go skinny dipping to wash the dust off, and cool off, but the boss came along before they got out of the water and he fired the whole bunch of them, and everyone there lost their jobs!

I think most people probably have gone skinny dipping at one time or another when they thought they were safely secluded! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Skinny Dipping!

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:23 am

It is funny to be talking about skinny dipping when our weather is so cold, snow everywhere, and deep drifts! It has actually warmed up to about minus 5 degrees Celcius, but the way the house feels you would never know that. With the wind blowing it is still cold, and the snow drifts are deep and getting deeper. I'm not sure when it is supposed to stop, but we are okay, inside and warm as we need to be. :D :D
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