When we moved her 4 years ago we had a number of alarm clocks that were thrown away where we lived and worked before, so I brought several of with us. I also got one from a recycling center, all for free! I don't know what happened to all of them, but now we don't have any of them that I know of. The one from the recycling center fell of the pellet stove one to many times, and it doesn't work any more, at least that is what I think happened. Another one fell off the pellet stove too many times and it bit the dust! Then I found an old clock and radio that we used to use before in our other house where we live in the 1980s and 90s. I bought one just like it from the 2nd hand store for 99 cents! I set both of them this last Sunday, and the one I bought worked with the radio playing loudly when the alarm went off! The one I used to set all the time didn't go off, and I think I didn't set if correctly. Two nights later it was blinking, needing set, and so with the lights out I started pushing buttons which should have set the clock to some time so that it would not blink! Well, somehow I got the radio playing loudly, and then I couldn't figure how to shut it off, but finally I got the radio to stop playing so that I could sleep. I need to get up early in the morning so I am going to attempt to set both those clocks, and maybe one of them will wake me up when I should get up to see if I can make it to the doctor. I think the roads are still going to have tall drifts that I will not be able to drive through, so at 8 a.m., I will need to call them to tell them that the roads have so much snow that I can't get over those roads! Oh well, it is okay because if the drifts are too large, you can't drive the car without getting stuck!