by mystic » Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:28 am
I think that the term "to own" is not proper referred to intercourses. But it can be proper referred to marriage.
Let's see what the Bible tells us. The term "to own" in Hebrew is translates as "being on top of", or "being thankful to". With marriage, the owner is "on top" of the other person. The man usually is the leader, who provides the means to the family and thus is on top of the bride. The woman leads the house, thinks for the children, and is the "owner" appointed "on top" of that part.
Somebody accepting a favor from another is bound to the person who made him a favor. Thus, the indebted is "owned" by the lender.
Now, let's see what the Bible says about the intercourses. In Hebrew, there is a same word to say "to know" or "to have an intercourse". The verb is "Yodaa". So, when the Bible says that Abraham "knew" Sarah, it can also be translated as Abraham had an intercourse with Sarah. For the Bible, there is no real knowledge of a person until there are sexual relations.
So, guarding one's knowledge (restraining from sexual relations) has important implications. If we allow ourselves "to know" only through marriage, we are basically allowing ourselves to take only one situation/direction in our life, whatever it will be. And we commit to accept to view the world through the light of our marriage only. This means that we save ourselves from knowing different options, which leads to comparing, being unsatisfied with our choices, etc. A person who guards him/her only choice has really no choice. He/she is above choice and does not need to enter that chain of unrest and unhappiness that is so common among people who do the wrong choices and enter the world of choice (good and evil).
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)