Living Costs in the Philippines

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Re: Living Costs in the Philippines

Postby Edwin » Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:02 am

Crisi, Carol and I just had a discussion this evening about the very thing you are talking about. I am now getting figures and information together so that the tax accountant can do my taxes. For many years I did them myself, but my taxes have gotten so complicated that for a number of years I provide the information, and then I allow the tax accountant to decide what to use of my figures. I get together more figures and information than is needed, but if she has more than she needs, she doesn't have to use all of it, and the only thing it cost me to prepare all that is time, but if I don't get the information for her, then she can't use it.

I asked Carol if she was aware of how much more we spent on groceries this year than we did the year before? She told me she thought it was because everything cost more money. I don't think that is the whole story, but I think it is part of the story. I think we actually did buy more groceries rather than eating more beans, but I also think they cost more money. When I was young there was a time that anything that had metal in it almost doubled in price. Then because of that the cost of everything else went up as well! When I was young I worked for very little money, but the money would buy a lot! I remember making $3.00/hour, and thinking that I was getting rich. I had never made such large wages in my life, and just a few years ago before we retired we were making a little more than $10.00/hour! I think we could buy more with the $3.00/hour than we could with the $10.00/hour, because everything else cost so much money! Money is somewhat of an artificial commondity, but we need it to survive. Politicians and the money people play games with all of us, and it makes our lives really difficult, but God see, He knows, and He understand, and He is the Great Provider! :D :D
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