They settled on a church, happened to be an Assemblies of God church, that had a wonderful orchestra. In those days there was a song leader, often the pastor, or one of the officials in the church, and they might have accordions, guitars, drums, a piano, and organ, violins, and who knows what other instruments they might have. It was real live entertainment to listen to the church orchestra play. They made beautiful harmonious music.
When I was 2 years old we moved to where there was no church, and my Dad and a preacher started a church. They only had a piano there, and then eventually my brother and I took turns playing a guitar, and that was so many years ago that I don't even know how to play it any more, but I could learn quickly since I at one time when I was about 12 years old played it.
Then one of my friends played a trumpet, but the preacher complained because he didn't understand balance, and he thought he was supposed to drownd out all the other music with his trumpet, and he did that!
I then started playing trombones, and I played them for many years with all various groups, in churches with other instruments, and community orchestras, playing jazz, some rock and roll, some concert type music, classical, and music of all kinds including movie music. I even played with a group called the "Green Village Marching Band," and my conscience bothered me playing with that group, because at church I played, "How Great Thou Art," and then after church I went out with this other group and played something about "Roll Out the Barrels," which was a drinking partying song, but I think the Lord has forgiven ne of that by now! I would not do that again!
In church I played with everything from one piano, to a piano and organ, to lots of instruments.