when you tell a lie

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when you tell a lie

Postby lyrehc » Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:27 am

back when i was studying college my life is so unforgettable i do things i dont want to do, lie to my parent, lie to my friend and lie to my self. i never been honest to anyone i only care for the one i love most...his been the center of everything until God take him from me....pain,suffering and anger rise in me, why God has forsaken me....i pray, humble my self to him and i learn im still his daughter and he forgive me and cleans me to be his child.
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Re: when you tell a lie

Postby Edwin » Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:43 pm

lyrehc, this is an interesting subject. There are so many lies that are told constantly by so many people. People have no word of honor; what they promise means nothing. Telling lies is a huge problem in our society. There is a lot of it that goes on in our government. This is one of the big worries for people trying to find that special one, especially having long distance relationships. The young lady wonders if she really is the only one like her boyfriend is telling her, and sometimes she finds out the hard way that she is not the special one, but only one of many, and possible a backup in case the other doesn't work out. Then the guy wonders if he is being scammed for various reason, and we all know those reasons; money, immigration, another boyfriend on the side, and terrible things get done. Sometimes these actions even end in violence. Well, that's a dark picture, and we all know that it is the best to tell the truth and be honest, because dishonestly will come around to haunt us for sure.

I think, lyrehc, all of us have been dishonest at some time or another. Some of us have gotten into bad trouble over it, and with others some damage has occured, but it has not been as destructive. I am thankful, lyrehc, that you have come to this realization, and that you have turned to God for your help, and He has indeed forgiven you, and He has set His approval on you and claimed you as His daughter. You are truly blest! I am thankful that God has spoken peace in your heart, and that you know that you belong to God, and that He belongs to you! You have God's blessing, His protection, and His comfort, and what more could we ask for, huh?

Now, more on the subject. Is it ever right to tell a lie? Technically speaking it is never right to tell a lie. Here are some ideas. Maybe sometimes it might be good to withhold some information, like when you come face to face with a grossly obese woman. You wouldn't want to tell her everything you know, and what you think about that, so you might refrain from telling her what you think. What do you do when someone is fishing for a compliment on their clothing color schemes, or their clothing styles, and you think the colors and the styles stink. You might save someone's feelings by saying, "You know, that is a very interesting outfit." Or, you might say, "Those colors really suit you, but they are not my colors." I guess the idea is using tact, and speaking the truth in love, not slaying someone with a cutting tongue.

What do you think about this subject? Is it ever right to tell a lie?
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Re: when you tell a lie

Postby lyrehc » Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:55 pm

thank you sir ed,...i remember once a pastor told us there will never be white lie either its for good or not. a lie will always be a lie,...i agree with sir ed, its better to say things in nice way than to break a heart
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Re: when you tell a lie

Postby Edwin » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:07 pm

lyrehc, you are correct; there is no such thing as a while lie. We often refer to what we think of as little innocent lies as white lies, but in God's sight all lies are black lies. It is the same with sin. God doesn't see degrees of sin. Sin is sin in God's sight, and it doesn't matter what degree the sin is. God is in the business of forgiving people of sin, and giving them eternal life.

You and I agree, lyrehc, that there is a nice way a person can say things to save another person's feelings. Jesus is in the business of healing people. Satan is the destroyer, but Jesus saves the person who is just about to fall or fail. Instead of destroying someone who is fragile Jesus heals them. Where there is only just a little life, Jesus saves that life. Jesus said, "The theif, (which is the devil) cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" but Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." :D :D
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Re: when you tell a lie

Postby crisipicada » Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:13 pm

I understand how you feel right now, lyrech. I know that there are things that you have done that you regret and experience the consequences of it.

But you must know, that God loves us even more, while we are hurt, in pain or desperate, worried, sad, lonely, tired or even we want to give up. I experienced many pains in life and only God can heal our emotional distress and problems. I believe you have had many regrets and it will lead to anxiety and depression. Only Our Savior can heal. When you look back, there will always scars to our wounds but God forgives. And you will know that you move on and He heals your heart when there is no more pain and you can accept things as they are.

God never change. He is always willing to listen and heal your hearts. Now that you are a single mom, it is not a reason to be ashamed of. Start a new life, start all over again with a pure heart and pure mind. God will provide and always be. Pray that God will show you and guide you to a right direction that He will give you a loving, committed christian husband to be with that is also willing to love the child that you have. Remember, God is Big to our problems. He always listen infact He knows what are our needs before we pray for it to Him. He knows, He listens, He provides. Trust Him always even you do not understand what is going on. Later you will understand why

Do not lose hope but always hopeful that we have a loving heavenly Father who always watches over us. :D :D :D
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Re: when you tell a lie

Postby Edwin » Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:46 pm

Yes, lyrech, Crisi is right about what she has said. All of us have regrets in our lives. We have made wrong decisions, and we need God to help us. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, and all of us are in that category. When we stand before God, will we tell God how good we have been. No, we all come to the foot of the cross, and we beg for God's mercy and His forgiveness which He is willing to give. He doesn't want any of us to perish. It is true that there are scars from doing things wrong, but God forgives, and He heals. He is glad to heal us. I agree with Crisi, that you should not be ashamed of being a single mother, but you be the mother that God wants you to be, and you can be proud to have that little one in your life, and raise that child in the fear of the Lord.

Yes, God is bigger than our problems, and I along with others pray that God will send you a husband who will be a true father to your child, and will love you and your child both. The Psalmist David prayed that God would "Create in me a pure heart, and renew a right spirit within me." We do have a loving Heavenly Father who watches over us! :D :D
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