Sex Plague Unreported

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Sex Plague Unreported

Postby Edwin » Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:48 pm

Sex is supposed to be beautiful, wonderful, and feel good. It is only that way if it is according to God's Will as revealed in His Word. So many problems happen when God's will is violated with sex. The guy who wrote this article saw an article promoting one-night sex stands. That is dangerous on a number of fronts. Emotionally it is very destructive, and nothing good comes from it. If you are having sex with someone, you are supposed love that person and have that person as one you can depend on to be there with you and for you. I believe one of God's judgements on people for violating this principle is sexually transmitted diseases. None of us want one of them. It is a very scary thing, and many people contract these who are innocent people, to whom the disease is brought home by an unfaithful lover. We get information which is a lot political, and it is promoting the Bible and living according to God's word and His will. I thought you might enjoy reading this article on this subject that is in line with what we believe:


Dear HealthWire Subscriber,

It made me angry. I was reading a National Review Online article -- and noticed a promotion for a story advocating one-night stands. Yikes, what's the world coming to?

Yes, I know this kind of junk is everywhere. But I still had to write about that story with an article of my own, "Promoting the Sexuality of Destruction."

I wrote a draft of that article a few weeks back. Since then, the Centers for Disease Control has come out with the latest statistics on sexually transmitted diseases.

I say "latest statistics" -- but what I mean is "the latest available statistics." Being a bureaucracy, the CDC is slow -- four years slow. The statistics are from 2008. F

Here are a few lowlights from their overview:

*There are now about 20 million new infections each year.
*Americans suffer from 110 million sexually transmitted afflictions.
*Because millions suffer from more than one microbe, the number of Americans infected is 80 million or more.


You'd think that an epic pandemic would make national headlines, right? It's been barely reported over the past few weeks. Based on my Google News search, the mainstream media did not cover this at all. And secondary publications reported on this with utter sparseness:

*A tv station in North Carolina
*An education publication few have heard of
*A Protestant news magazine
*A Roman Catholic news agency
*Two major newspapers (Detroit, SF) mentioned the news -- buried in roundup stories

That's it, that's all I could find. Don't you think that's abominable?

Yet there are good people out there fighting this trend. I'll be reporting on that, too, in the near future.

Stay tuned, stay vigilant,

Gailon Totheroh
Editor, HealthWIRE
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Re: Sex Plague Unreported

Postby lyrehc » Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:45 am

I think everyone who like to have sex with anyone should becareful twice... :lol: use contraceptive will be one of the best way to avoid the deseases..
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Re: Sex Plague Unreported

Postby Edwin » Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:19 pm

You are right lyrehc about the importance of protection for having sex. The problem is when people are strongly attracted and in the throws of sexual desire, then it is very easy to just go for it. That is fun and exciting, but it is also dangerous. There is an old saying, "When you have sex with someone you are also having sex with everyone else that person has ever had sex with. That is scary because anyone who is a disease carrier, can pass that disease along to the next person, and that person to the next person, and that person to the next person, until it finally comes to the people presently having sex.

Christian recommendations are total abstinence before marriage. I know not everyone buys into this way of thinking, but it is the safest. For those who fall prey to the temptation, God forgives, but be reminded that a good medical checkup is importance to rule out any disease infections, and I don't know if the doctors are able to find out if someone is a carrier or not, so it is risky, and if there were prior sexual partners then protection is a good idea.

God didn't ordain protection, and if there is only one sexual partner then I don't think it is necessary. God's ordained plan is for one man and one woman to get married, and then have sex from then on with no worries. If we violate God's plans then we ask His forgiveness, and use protection if that is warranted.

Sex is a beautiful thing, desireable, pleasureable, and recommendable after marriage. :D :D
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