In this country families with little kid's color, boil, decorate, and hide the chicken eggs so that the little kids can hunt them. For many years around Easter time I have eaten lots of boiled eggs! I love to eat boiled eggs! Anyway the trappings of Easter are kind of fun! We as Christians think of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, and that all has a lot of meaning for us. We sing songs, such as "He Lives," "He Arose," and a few others as well.
Our church for the last few years has been meeting on Easter Sunday morning at the Performing Arts Center, and they normally have some finger food out front before the service begins. They normally have some special singing, sing some Easter songs, have a sermon/message, and it is a nice occasion. When we were younger we used to go to the cemetary for what we called a Sun Rise service. We would all sing some songs about Jesus resurrection as the sun would be coming up in the early morning.
Some are already celebrating special days leading up to the Easter Morning. When Easter does come, Happy Easter everyone!