How to have relationship with Jesus, and the need to be saved. We started watching a movie this evening that was so boring that we shut it off, but before we did they had a scene where this little boy was viewing his grandmother in her casket, and he was grieving intensely because he loved his grandmother. The vicor, I guess that is what he was, said to the little boy, "If you are good, and do good things you will go to heaven soon and be with your grandmother, but if you are bad and do bad things you will go to hell, and you will never see your grandmother again. There is some truth to that, because God does want us to be good and do good, but being good and doing good will not get us to heaven. There are going to be a lot of good people in hell because they failed to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. There are many religions in the world, and most of them have their system for doing good, but most of them fail to show that Jesus Christ is the way to get to heaven. Of the many religions in the world there are not many that encourage a relationship with Jesus, and without it people will be eternally lost, eternally separated from God and Christian loved ones.
I Timothy 2:5; "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." Jesus is the go between, and He represents our interests before the Father. Jesus pleads our cause. We will never get to God the Father except through Jesus Christ the Son.
When Paul and Silas were in jail for their faith in Jesus, there was an earthquake that freed the prisoners of their bands, and the prison doors opened up. It was quite a serious thing for the jailer to have prisoners escape, so he was going to kill himself rather than face the authorities for allow prisoners to go free. But Paul called to him, telling him not to harm himself because they are all still there. The jailer brought Paul and Silas out and asked them what he could do to be saved. There answer was, Acts 16:31; "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and they house."