Smiley, I think you have been having the same problem I was having. You write a post, submit, it comes up error, and I copy each one before submitting so that if anything goes wrong I still have it, and then even though it says error, it goes ahead and posts it, so I have had to edit/delete several of my posts that got duplicated. Anyway, it is nice when people can control their drinking, and some can, and some can't. Our boss that I referred to in the other post would get drunk every single night, then the next day he would be at work with his dark glasses on! I don't know for the life of me how he kept from getting into bad trouble. We had an emergency where we lived about 4 miles from where he was, and he came out to help solve our problem, and he was drunker than a skunk, but you know what he fixed our problem just as it he were sober! The worst problem it caused him in the 10 years or so that he was there, was that he fell getting out of the shower, cut his head open, and had to have a National Park boat haul him out to the hospital in the middle of the night.
We had two good friends there. One was a lawyer, and the other was a National Park Service Maintenance person. The lawyer wanted to watch sports on television so he bought him a satellite dish setup, and he had the maintenance person set it up for him. The only problem was that the lawyer bought a lot of beer for this guy as a favor for setting up his satellite dish. They had me looking at the television then running out back and telling them what the signal was like. Well, the more beers the maintenance person drank the worse the signal got until he finally gave up until he got sobered up, and tacked the job again, when he finally did a good job of it! He had a flat tire, and needed a ride. He hid behind a large tree, and he was drunk. As we came by, he jumped out in front of our car, thinking it was really funny, and I guess it would have been had he not been drunk. It was kind of dangerous too, and I don't think he would have thought it was so funny had he not been drunk. It was kind of sad because he missed the bridge with his little pickup because he was drunk, and he ended up losing his job over the situation, but he came back to the Lord, dedicated his life to serving the Lord, and now he doesn't drink any more.