I am 67 years old, and I don't know how I got here so quickly!
I, like you, Red, am hoping for some good years yet! I am very healthy, and I take no medications for anything. I have started taking vitamins and minerals about a month ago at the suggestion of my medical eye doctor, so I am feeling good that I made that decision at his suggestion. I do have the ever present possible problem with my prostate gland. I had surgery for it in 2005, and I have been fine since with no bad symptoms, except the bleeding that I did a year and a half ago. It had only happened to me once in all that time, and my brother tells me that it happens to him on a regular basis, so I can be thankful that I don't have that problem. Because of that they started testing me more, and now I have had two prostate gland biopsies, and I didn't need either one of them, but how do you know? I complained to a finance person at the medical clinic about how much it cost me to find out that nothing was wrong with me, and she told me that I can refuse the service any time I want to, but I am a glutton for punishment, and I suppose I will go along with their requests for tests. They are letting me go 6 months before the next test! I will have no cancer, but if they tell me I need a biopsy, I guess I will agree with that!
I would love to not even have that problem, but I can be thankful that I don't have other health issues, and for a guy 67 years old not to need any medications of any kind, I can be pretty thankful for that. I am strong, healthy, agile, and active, so lets keep it that way! If anyone sneaks up on me, I want to be able to run or fight!!!!
Just kidding of course!
Anyway we are retired, and I only have to do what I want to do. If Carol asked me to do something, I consider it for about a week, then maybe the next week I will do it. That is reasonable, isn't it? Anyway I have to put another fence around the back yard. I also need to finish redoing my bathroom. I also need to dig in a path, ramp entrance from the other side of our house, then break a hole in my block wall to frame a door for an entrance/exit into and out of my cellar. I want to take a course to learn to tune and repair pianos. I also want make another trip to the Philippines, maybe to see that Dahilayan Adventure Park. That would be fun, wouldn't it? I need to wait until the time is right, and then I will go, the Lord willling! Dreams for the future, huh?