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Postby mona » Wed May 19, 2010 10:02 pm

Think about it! Do you want you children get confused where to go to church if the parents have different beliefs? :roll:
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Postby Chas » Thu May 20, 2010 4:21 pm

purex wrote:There are marriages that both couple are christian but attend different church they attend :D . Some do not give importance about having the same church :P . So it is up to the couple to agree about this thng

It is very much a personal decision between the couple. I made sure my children were taught about the more popular different religions practiced in the world and the variations within those religions. I believe knowledge gives understanding which promotes tolerance. Just one view can (not always) breed intolerance of others. I see too much violence in this world carried out by those who hijack a particular religion to promote it as the only correct and true faith and use it as an excuse to attack others.

The religion of my partner is not important, their moral framework and compatibility with me is important.
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Postby glacia » Thu May 20, 2010 7:57 pm

Religion for me is important. At church you learn moral values
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Postby purex » Mon May 24, 2010 4:47 am

glacia wrote:Religion for me is important. At church you learn moral values

It is important that both has the same religion. It is highly recommended so that both has no problem where their children will attend church.
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Postby ms.sin17 » Tue May 25, 2010 8:28 am

It is important that both has the same religion. It is highly recommended so that both has no problem where their children will attend church.

It is somehow true. But it is a nice feeling too to bear a fruit by bringing your partner to your own religion or belief in the church. Because everything would be easy if both of you has the same church to go on.. :D
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Postby abufarsi » Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:03 pm

Religion is just not so important to me.

I lost interest when examining the actions of those who operate churches, in that, not just a few were less than obedient to the very principals they asked so many others to respect.

I have been married 2X to women who felt that Jesus's life was very important to theirs. The first went to church 3X a week, held office several times in church leadership, sometimes spoke to the congregation. We had 3 children, all grown now, who I let choose as to how active they participated in religious activities, 2, are like me... doing other things when many are in church, but one is nearly as devout as her mother. At first she felt pressure for me to join her in praying, but after a while she felt that praying was between her and God, and because I did not join her, it diminished her none. In the end she committed adultery, and then left me for that guy, I don't know what that says about religion, or, how much she respected Jesus. But it makes me feel like tossing my hands up and ignoring the whole deal.

Some parts worked well like when they went to church activities, I was a babysitter. When the kids went with her, I was able to pursue my hobbies.
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Postby eStu » Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:37 pm

I don't really mind what group my partner belongs to, as long as she is a kind a caring person who has sympathy and love for her fellow human being and values honesty. If she belongs to a particular group and derives benefit from that, then I would wholeheartedly support that.

I don't necessarily see a problem with not being of the same religion, as long as core values are similar and respect is maintained. In fact, I think there is something sweet and poetic about love prevailing despite differences. I assume that anyone who bothers to read or post on this forum has at least some appreciation for variety, be it cultural, genetic or otherwise, because the site is dedicated to cross-cultural introductions and relationships. I'm reminded of an old photo I saw of a friend's mother and father eating together. He was an ex US military guy, she was a Japanese woman. In the photo they were sitting on the floor (Japanese style) eating a pizza (American food co-opted from Italy)... I thought it was a really sweet image.

So, for me, I don't think it's of primary importance that my partner and I belong to the same group, or attach the same label, as long as we're like minded and share important values.
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Postby edeline » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:34 am

In my side, it is important to me but I am not that religious. I am just doing what is right. If a person has another religion to his/her partner it will be good if the two of you will just respect each others beliefs rather than insisting and debating which of the religion is the right one.

in terms of religion, I am not debating about it with my boyfriend. I respect his beliefs and he respects mine as well. We are not forcing each other to go transfer to the other religion.
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Postby crisipicada » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:20 pm

Religion is okay. But having the same belief is more important... Like being christian and believe that God is exist and praying the the Lord in the right way..
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Postby Edwin » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:39 am

James 1:25; But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful heaerer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

26; If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

27; Pure religion and undefiled befroe God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Religion is a word that can mean a lot of things. It can mean that a person is going through the forms of doing what is right, but that person's heart is far from God. The religious leaders in Jesus time were hypocrites, many of them were just playing a game, going through the motion. They were making religious laws that were very hard to keep, and they were not living up to the standards themselves. Religion can be in a person's heart so that it is a way of living, and they believe and live their belief. The leaders in Jesus day made it very hard on the people, but Jesus said that they neglected the weightier issues of the law. So they were making a big deal out of things that really didn't matter at all, and they were not even concerned about the things that really did matter.

We believe the good news of the gospel, that Jesus came into this world, lived His life as an example, died and rose again that we can have eternal life also. Eternal life is to know Jesus Christ and to have Him in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. We have eternal life and the forgiveness of our sins because Jesus took the penalty of sin for us, now instead of dying spiritually, being separated from God, we have eternal life and can live forever with Him. Jesus died for our sins. He provides forgiveness and eternal life if we will accept that. We have to recognize that we have sinned, and then we have to ask for forgiveness of our sins, and Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to be in us, just as if Jesus is right with us. Jesus wants us to call on Him, and whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Jesus is the name given among men where by we may be saved. He wants us to talk with Him, and He wants to talk with us also. Eternal Life through Jesus is what it is all about. Jesus is the focal point of the whole Bible. Jesus is the fulfilment of the Bible prophecy. Forgiveness of sins and eternal life is what Jesus gives.
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