How to find a good Filipna

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Re: How to find a good Filipna

Postby m&m » Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:29 pm

Again, the word "Good" is relative.

For others, their standard is high and others are not. Others, based their standard of what their parents say, family upbringing and others, base on beliefs of what religion they belong.

To find a good filipina, it is always important to seek what the will of the Lord. Because, there are times, that the person is not telling the whole being of what he or she is.

It is always good to seek Christian, who is mature, and also consider the family background. It is important to find a woman who you are compatible with.

Not only that, I learn that to find a woman who will love the guy, is to back her (girl's) emotional need. Someone who understand and will listen, who wont argue, despite the woman is wrong, because it is one way of understanding. After the woman is feeling okay from being feeling bad, she will understand and listen to the guy or her husband.

I learn that, it really takes work or say hard work to have a good family or marriage.

I hope that I am not bias.
An intimate relationship w/ God must b our highest priority. When U hav right or poor relationship w/Him,out of that relationshp flows everything else in our life. Thus, your relationship to Him determines how you live your life. It all relates to that
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