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Re: songs

Postby m&m » Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:35 pm

Last Sunday night, I was in my mama's room. I just stay and have some readings. While mama just want to make herself relax, she wanted to stay at the living room, even she is not feeling well. She watched tv on ABS-CBN, the voice kids Philippines.

When mama was about to enter the room where I sleep in her room, she was talking to herself, how good Lyca, singing the Tagalog Version of Dance with my father. WHen I watched that on Youtube yesterday, what a wonderful song, The judges was touched and cried on that song rendered by Lyca. Even me touched my heart. The song was about, the father leave her daughter and the daughter was sad and even her father did that, she said, she still love her father and hoping to hug him if given the chance. What a wonderful song. Watch it, just google "Lyca, the voice kids philippines".
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Re: songs

Postby cheryz » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:51 am

A Dance with my Father is a very wonderful song offers to all the fathers. i remember it the for the first time im curious about the title one of my cousin ask me favor about to make a picture slides with a song and the song title was dance with my father they i started to download it and listen to it, im touched with the lyrics and if you watched the music video it so good.
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