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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby Edwin » Tue May 22, 2012 12:39 am

That is wonderful, Crisi, that you have a heart of love for your niece and nephews to help them with what they need. Helping our family sometimes almost puts us in the poor house, but it is so nice to help as much as we are able to. Them getting honors in their school achievements is a great way to show their appreciation. You are almost at the end of summer where you are, and ready for school to begin. We are just entering our summer, and the kids are almost ready to start their summer vacation break. We had a few days of pretty warm weather, but lately we have had a few cool nights, and one that was cold. Today we had some pretty hard rains! We get about 12 inches of accumulated moisture, including rain and snow each year. After today's rain, I have a bucket where I am digging my cellar, and that 5 gallon bucket is half full of water from the rain. I think it ran off the roof into that bucket, so it had about 14 feet by one foot, was the source, and even so that was quite a bit of water. I stayed in the house today because I didn't want to get wet while working, and I didn't walk my doggies because I figured the road where I walk would be muddy and miserable to walk, so I decided to take today off from working and walking! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby Smiley » Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:27 pm

With a move to the far north looming I`ve taken a moment to contemplate where I am now. I live in a very unique spot,being the southernmost city in Canada.
Most of the Canada/US border follows the 49th parallel for a couple thousand miles and then dips far to the south to bisect the Great Lakes. I live between the 41st and the 42nd parallel.
To put things in perspective I`m farther south than Californias northern boundary. There are 14 states that are completely north of where I sit right this minute and another dozen or so that are partly north.The weather is pretty good here ;)

My city,Windsor,was a very interesting place,home to the first international tunnels,train and motor vehicle.First international suspension bridge,spanning a river over a mile wide.First electric streetcars in north america etc.Windsor is responsible for the international success of the Ford Motor Co,and later Chrysler,General Motors,Studebaker,and Hudson.This was because being part of the British Empire back in those days,vehicles built here could be shipped almost world wide without duty.That worked well for everybody,millions were made
Unfortunately this area has been hit hard by the changes in the economic climate,areas of this city that were once the absolute best are now one step above a slum.It is sad to see an area like this in such a decline
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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:51 am

Wow, Smiley, most of us in the USA don't think of a place in Canada being so far South! You are a lot further South than we are, as I live about 60 miles south of the Canadian border in North Central Washington State, South of Oroville, Washington and Osooyas, British Columbia, Canada! That is very interesting that so much industrialization took place in your area.

The decline is sad. Decline and deterioration really bother me. I think things should remain good forever, although I know they don't! So you move is going to be extreme, considering where you now live! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby Edwin » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:28 am

We live on the South Half of the Colville Indian Reservation. This is one of those places where the US Government herded all the Indians onto this land as their place to live. At that time only American Indians lived here. The the US Government opened up this reservation for homesteading. Non Indian people came from all over the country homesteading. My grandmother was one of them. Even though she was Indian, she was not from this tribe, so she had to homestead like any other settlers on this reservation. Then this reservation became a mix of white or non Indian people and Indian people. Those were good years and there was grass up to the bellies of the horses! Then dry years came, and homesteader started going broke. Before that there was a homesteader living ever quarter of a mile! The people who managed to stay bought out the people going broke, and that is how there came to be large ranches and farms on this Indian Reservation. A couple of my uncles got rich doing that, but one sold almost everthing he had before he died, and the other left his to his kids, one my age who is now deceased, and the other is not well, and seems to be going broke. So sometimes life had wonderful successes, and then at other times life is sad. But we have hope of eternal life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and as God's children we will live forever and inherit the good things of God. We will take nothing out of this life of worldly possessions, but we will have a crown of righteousness if we are faithful to God. We will live forever in God's kingdom if we believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as our Savior! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby crisipicada » Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:19 pm

It is rainy season now. Almost everyday there is a very rain. Since morning until evening, it is raining. Many of the rice crops were devastated by the flood again. So sad for the farmers that they been working in cultivating the land for 4 and half months, and then it was just washed away by the water from the canal going to the farm.
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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby mystic » Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:08 am

I'm living in two towns now. I spend much of my time in my ma's house now, because she was operated and needs help. This is where I was born. The town is very beautiful. It's on the sea, but the mountains raise at once. So, the houses are all built in an oblique way, going up to the mountain :P :P :P :P :P
When you reach the top of the town, the view over the gulf is superb. You can see all the coast from Slovenia to Italy. The soil is very particular, because it has a special rock that only exists here. It's not good for sowing, but it gives a very characteristic shape to the landscape.
The town was a seat of the asburgic empire, so it has castles, big constructions, and a fame of a cosmopolitan city. Indeed, it is still very multiethnical, because all enter Italy from here, coming from the eastern countries. I also currently work in this town.

My other town is about 30km more in the inland. Here I have my home. It is also on the sea, but does not have as many mountains. It is a very small town. You can cross it from one side to another in a 10 minutes walk. It's a very quiet place.

Temperatures are lowering now. Soon we will turn on the heaters. It rarely snows, since they are seatowns, but nevertheless temperatures can get quite low. Last year we had the record of -15... and the water pipes in my house burst. It never happened before, and I think it is connected to the climate change.
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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby wayne208 » Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:43 am

I Now Live In North Central California .. But I was raised on the Coast of California in a Very Small Town .. The town I was raised in had about 200 people in it at the Most . It rained a Lot their and the Only Road in or out of that Town would flood .. Meaning No School for us That day . It was around 200 feet above Sea Level ..Where I live at Now is North Central California .. The Town I Live in has about 70,000 people in it ,, It Has a Junior College and a real College . Both College's are known for having some of the best Nurses Programs around . Gold was and Still is Found in this area .I Have also Lived In Reno , Nevada for about 1 year . I have visited Las Vegas Nevada a Lot .. Vegas Has some Great Shows and Great Buffets . Both at Decent Prices ... :D
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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:04 pm

My uncle who is dead now used to go down to Las Vegas for the cheap food and accomodations when he wanted some excitement in his life. We live at 2800 feet elevation on the top of an American Indian Reservation. It is 25 miles drive over rough roads to get to town, so it takes pretty close to one hour to get there. We have a few neighbors 2 and 3 miles away in different directions. We have wheat fields and cow pastures all the way around us. We don't get much precipitation here, and it can be hot and dry through the summer. Early summer here this year was cold and rainy, and later summer was hot and dry, dry until tonight, and it is just now raining for the first time in months! We have blizzards here in the winter and the snow can drift 30 feet deep in the canyons, however on the level the drifts can be anywhere from 4 to 8 feet in places, and the ground can be bare in other places where the snow has all been blown away. We have 4 seasons here; spring, summer, fall, and winter. If we don't have to go anywhere in the winter we will not go out in a storm as they can be dangerous and life threatening. We don't see many people here very often. :D :D
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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby Edwin » Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:21 pm

There is a lot of great information on these pages! :D :D
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Re: Share about your home town or where you living now!

Postby m&m » Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:49 am

I was living in Dologon, at my sister Hazel's house, 10 kilometers away from Valencia City proper. It was accessible going to the city and a lot of buses going in and out. Also, many multicabs and jeepneys going there. Now, for more than couple of month or almost half a year, I stayed where my mom's house is. I stay there because mama is very sickly. It is rough road, lots of mud going there.

I take motorcycle going to the city. It is a half hour travel by motorcycle and an hour if jeepneys.

When going to the city, there are lots of rice field, corn field and sugarcane field. It is scary to travel night because people might try to hurt or try to do something bad. But the Lord has protected me. :D :D :D :D :D :D
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