Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love is

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Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love is

Postby crisipicada » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:35 pm

Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love is by being "JUST A FRIEND

I read this quote from my niece's facebook and I wanted to share this to you. I love it and realize that this is very true. Not only that, in friendship, you will be able to know the person well, and so you can be true to yourself. you can be angry and sad, you can express happiness and loneliness, you can tell what is inside of you, and your friend, will always stay there for you. Who knows, your friend becomes your love one in due time. :D :D :D
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Re: Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love

Postby Edwin » Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:22 am

Yes, Crisi, I have heard that your husband or your wife should be your best friend! In our country, USA, it is very common to have one night stands, where a boy and girl, man and woman will go have sex with each other, and it will just be a one time thing. In a situation like that there is no love involved. The two people may not even like each other. They are definately not friends, and on some occasions they don't even learn each other's names, so they don't really even know who they had sex with! I think it is a sacred thing, and I still think it should not be until marriage, and it should only be within marriage. Crisi, that is very true, friends first, slowly get to know the person, then according to God's will engagement/lovers, then marriage, and you are friends, so that you would never want to hurt that person, you would never want anyone else to hurt that person, and you would want to be loved and cared for by that person, and you would take care of each other forever, caring about what happens to your marriage partner. :D :D
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Re: Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love

Postby mystic » Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:49 am

Just a quick pun. Fri-end contains the word "end". Maybe a fry-end? :D :D :D Or does it imply that it will last until the end? Well, in common sense, the term friend is used until a person is alive, indeed. Then, it becomes "he was a friend". Instead, love goes beyond physical death, since one will continue to love a person even if the body is no more.

Well, in Italian it sounds different. "Amico" contains the word "ami" - meaning "you love". So it could be translated as "you love your co(lleague/mpanion)".
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Re: Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:15 am

Mystic, leave it to you to take the word apart and tell us what each part means and then what the entire word is saying. An old guy who attended the first church I pastored, and he was old enough to die at that time; he said, "What would life be without friends!" There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. You have no choice in who your family and relative are, but you chose your friends! Jesus is a friend, and the old beautiful song, "What a Friend We Have In Jesus" says it all! I think you can do someone no greater service than by being a true friend! :D :D
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Re: Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love

Postby m&m » Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:57 pm

crisipicada wrote:Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love is by being "JUST A FRIEND

I read this quote from my niece's facebook and I wanted to share this to you. I love it and realize that this is very true. Not only that, in friendship, you will be able to know the person well, and so you can be true to yourself. you can be angry and sad, you can express happiness and loneliness, you can tell what is inside of you, and your friend, will always stay there for you. Who knows, your friend becomes your love one in due time. :D :D :D

This is true to me. I do not know if this is true to others. There are times when you learn to love someone or like her or him, but you know for a fact that it is not the right time yet, then the best to be stayed close to someone you love or like is to be friends.

I observed my personality that, when problem strikes on me, I feel very sick. But then, I grow in my personal experience, so there is good at it. It will make us mature in handling problems.
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Re: Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love

Postby angel » Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:04 am

yes i agree with that saying :) "the best way to stay close to someone you love is Just a Friend" building a friendship is one of a kind, friendship bond you together sharing happy thoughts, in saddest part of your life and n keeping secrets.
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Re: Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love

Postby m&m » Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:30 am

angel wrote:yes i agree with that saying :) "the best way to stay close to someone you love is Just a Friend" building a friendship is one of a kind, friendship bond you together sharing happy thoughts, in saddest part of your life and n keeping secrets.

wow, thank you Angel that you can relate to this. What a wonderful feeling having a friend, right. But it would be great that friendship will grow into something better and better and maybe into marriage. What do you think? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love

Postby cheryz » Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:15 pm

yes it could be true. i could say that because one of my friend (jerson) ive known him when i was working weve been in a close friendship but his a gay thats why where close his telling me some of his friends and he attract to his bestfriend now, at first he try to make him friend until now friendship even his bestfriend had a girlfriend they close as they brothers :)
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Re: Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love

Postby m&m » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:52 am

I can relate that I can be closed to someone by just friends. It is one way to take care of unprepared emotion. Sometimes it is better not to say how you feel than to say it.
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Re: Sometimes the best way to stay close to someone you love

Postby cheryz » Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:18 pm

m&m wrote:I can relate that I can be closed to someone by just friends. It is one way to take care of unprepared emotion. Sometimes it is better not to say how you feel than to say it.

that would be nice if your just only friends if you all know that she's has a special someone already, better to be friends rather to be hurt when you tell it and it might break your friendship that could be possibly happen when you tell him.
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