mystic wrote:I agree, unless you are witnessing a crime. If you walk down the road and see somebody abusing another, if you just walk away it means you are agreeing and guilty as well.
I can accept that. Have you witnessed any crimes on JadeRune?
Since the various posters on JadeRune are thousands of miles apart there certainly could never be physical abuse. And all the posts are written, there is no verbal communication,so there can not be verbal abuse. And everyone here is an adult, no one makes them read any post and they can leave any time they like, no one is forced to do anything or forced to listen to anything or forced to read anything so there is certainly no emotional abuse.
So it seems the most problem we can possibly have on JadeRune is a difference of opinion, which with 7 billion people on this planet it is likely we encounter differences of opinions many times everyday of our lives.
So I go back to my original premise. Anyone does not like a post, or a topic should exercise their freedom to not answer, not read, not participate in that post or topic. Very easy. No drama.