Busy Busy

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Re: Busy Busy

Postby angel » Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:22 am

Chas wrote:I have been busy recently and have a hospital appointment this morning. After lunch, if I have time, I will post another photo, though I think only the Bacolod Babes will be able to guess the answer. I am running out of photos suitable for the quiz, but I have an idea for one more.

hello Chas.. bacolod babes? hehe :D its just like where only participating on it chas and there busy busy doing something about there life like you :) i think you posted photo in photo quiz thread just answer by one of bacolod babes. :)
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Re: Busy Busy

Postby m&m » Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:03 am

Last few months ago, our internet connection was not okay.After we have been to different internet provider, we intent to have smart internet connection. Until now, we are still using the PLDT wherein we pay our own internet bill :( . There are times that we were not able to send our soft copy report through internet, because there was no signal. In many situation like this, we use smart broadband in order to be updated with the memorandum sent through email. Or we go to internet cafe just to send back or reply email. :arrow:
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Re: Busy Busy

Postby cheryz » Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:56 pm

m&m wrote:Last few months ago, our internet connection was not okay.After we have been to different internet provider, we intent to have smart internet connection. Until now, we are still using the PLDT wherein we pay our own internet bill :( . There are times that we were not able to send our soft copy report through internet, because there was no signal. In many situation like this, we use smart broadband in order to be updated with the memorandum sent through email. Or we go to internet cafe just to send back or reply email. :arrow:

we used PLDT internet provider too, i realize everytime when there is storm and total blockout in our area the internet connection is gone. lately the internet connection with pldt is really bad every now and then they have problems with there internet line. i used to call there customer service it many times they says its ok have an stable connection but in our neighbor that has a pldt subscriber also dont have the internet. when it happens i ignore this time im tired of calling to customer service. :x
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Re: Busy Busy

Postby angel » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:37 am

ive been busy last week now i have time to post some and read some topic here coz tomorrow is restday, i do have enough sleep by then. :D but after that i have to work again one day off is so sad :( had to do overtime for my reports.:( but on the second thought i would be happy thats for my little angel.
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