For more than 4 years working in my new station, I have been struggling and been thinking how to reach out people in my working place for Christ. The Lord has giving me burden for souls for my officemates that they will be able to hear the gospel, about Christ's gift of Salvation. Not only that, working in an organization wherein women are outnumbered, it is hard to relate with men about life's issues. After many years of prayers, God has answered my prayer. My new Chief, is a Christian, who also have the heart for souls. Since August he has been here, Bible study every week has been part of our weekly activity. I also have a good conversation about my chief a times, wherein he shared about the organization wherein so hard to go with the music as Christian. Also I shared to him about my stand that we cannot please everybody. It is important to stand what is right rather than going with the music and later on regret about it because it was not pleasing to the Lord. Also I try to emphasized to him that as we are in the world, we are partakers of Christ's suffering. Even the Creator of this world and creator of men, the creation did not accept Him how much more we as Christian. Living in this world is only a preparation for us in the greater life in heaven. Also try to emphasized that this world is not our home, we are just pilgrim in this world so we should not act like one.
Not only that, the good thing is, Memorandum received this office from Region says, we should adopt a Moral Spiritual Transformation (MOST) program. It giving emphasis on the status of the government right now that corruption is rampant and that disrupts efficient and effective performance of every individual. Because of this battle, the organization pursues reforms through spiritual and moral enhancement program with full cooperation. This program addresses the long time problem of corruption. Because of this, it is hereby directed to pursue, implement and heartily support the program of the office.