Although I personally have problems justifying the actions taken by the President of the Philippines, I do not have any say in the matter. He continues to have a strong following and lots of support from many Filipinos. I have a bigger problem with the man who was elected to the US Presidency since I am a US citizen and live in the US.
I posted something on my facebook about 6 weeks ago that I am going to share here. If you can think of someone who fits this description, then kudos to you Below are 17 of the 20 checklist items on the PCL-R (Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised) which is the test used to determine if a person is classified as having a psychopathic mental disorder. The other three questions which are not listed are for persons who are incarcerated, so they are not included here. This is the checklist used in the US since 1998 by psychiatrists evaluating those individuals being diagnosed.
Although no psychiatric or psychological organization has sanctioned a diagnosis titled "psychopathy", assessments of psychopathic characteristics are widely used in criminal justice settings and have important consequences for individuals assessed as psychopathic.
The PCL-R provides a total score that indicates how closely the test subject matches the score that a classic or protoypical psychopath would rate. Each item is given a score of 0, 1, or 2 based on how well it applies to the subject being tested. People with no criminal background normally score around a 5. A psychopath would score 25 or more. (A score of 75%)
Psychopathic disorders have three distinct and observable characteristics.
(1) Boldness. Low fear, including stress-tolerance, toleration of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social assertiveness. Psychopaths are notorious for their lack of fear.
(2) Dis-inhibition. Poor impulse control, including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, and poor behavioral restraints.
(3) Meanness. Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seeking.
PCL-R Checklist : Rate test subject with a score of 0, 1, or 2 for each item. Score zero if it does not apply. Score one if it somewhat applies. Score two if it fully applies.
– smooth-talking, engaging and slick.
– greatly inflated idea of one’s abilities and self-esteem, arrogance and a sense of superiority.
– shrewd, crafty, sly, clever, deceptive, deceitful, underhanded and unscrupulous .
– uses deceit and deception to cheat others for personal gain.
- no feelings or concern for losses, pain and suffering of others, cold-hearted and un-empathetic.
– limited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness.
– a lack of feelings toward others; cold, contemptuous and inconsiderate.
– denial of responsibility and attempts to manipulate others.
– an excessive need for new, exciting stimulation and risk-taking.
– Intentional, manipulative, selfish and exploitative financial dependence on others.
– expressions of negative feelings, verbal abuse and inappropriate expressions of anger.
– inability or constant failure to develop and accomplish long-term plans.
– behaviors lacking reflection or planning and done without considering consequences.
– repeated failure to fulfill or honor commitments and obligations.
– brief, superficial relations, numerous affairs and an indiscriminate choice of sexual partners.
– lack of commitment to a long-term relationship.
– diversity of criminal offenses, whether or not the individual has been arrested or convicted.
Now who do you think this profile describes?