
Description of your first forum.

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Postby jadegil6 » Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:18 pm

My other website is jaderune.com. The forum was started under that website, but when the Christian Pilipina website was created, the forum got transferred over to it and the name changed on the forum.
I bought the jaderune.com website 12 years ago this month. It was started by Bill and Jude in 1996. Jude's nickname was Jade, and Bill's nickname was Rune....hence jaderune. Bill was suffering from pancreatic cancer when he sold the site to me. He died 5 days after I bought it.
So if you do the math, that makes the jaderune website 24 years old, which is probably older than many of you who read the posts on this forum. Last time I checked a couple of years ago, it was the 2nd oldest website for Filipinas to meet foreigners on the internet. Yeah, it has been around awhile, and all of this time it has been a free service, never charging anyone for anything. It will remain free as long as I still own it.
My wish is for everyone to stay safe and take care of yourselves. Stay close to God. He will take care of you.
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Re: jaderune.com

Postby Chas » Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:53 am

Congrats and keep up the good work.
I hope you manage to achieve your dream to retire to the Philippines once this Covid19 nightmare is over.
God bless.
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Re: jaderune.com

Postby jadegil6 » Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:50 pm

Thanks, Chas.
You are a long time member of the forum, and I also would like to thank you for your participation in the forum and your generosity to all of those who you have helped throughout the years.
I am waiting for the Philippines to reopen to tourists, and hope to go there soon afterwards.
I think that the websites will get a makeover in the coming months. jaderune is very dated for sure.
God be with you, too. I appreciate you posting.
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Re: jaderune.com

Postby cheryz » Sat Aug 15, 2020 1:17 am

Congratulations Sir Mike next year will be silver anniversary of your website making 25 years :) Great Job sir you inspire us and help a lot. Im so thankful and happy im one of member of this forum meeting new friends here. God bless you Sir and stay safe always.
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Re: jaderune.com

Postby jadegil6 » Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:33 pm

Thank you, Cherry.
I hope that the friendships that are made through the forum and websites will endure the trials of time.
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