The negative way to God

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The negative way to God

Postby mystic » Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:32 am

As I have learned, negative does not mean bad. There are two ways to God, a positive and a negative one.

The positive way is when you get signs from heaven, you walk on the leaves that angels put below your feet so that you don't stumble, all happens in God's timing, you are under God's shield, nothing touches you, you prosper, your life is simple, easy, happy.

But not all are so fortunate to have all. And there comes the negative way, the way that lets you appreciate things and values through their deprivation. You come close to God because you don't have something, your life is in peril, anything bad happens to you, people take all you have. At the end, this is a deeper way, because you come to appreciate things that, in the positive way, you would just neither notice nor value.

Another difference between the positive and negative way is that in the positive way people tend to take any effort to keep what they have. They don't want to lose it. Instead, in the negative way nothing is left to be lost.
The Bible contains positive and negative (do not do...) precepts. The negative ones are more than the positive ones. That may seem astounding, as the human mind is made so that it really understands only positive precepts. Even when you teach a baby, it's easy to explain, "do this", but the baby doesn't readily grasp "don't do that".
In the maximal sciences we cannot entirely grasp phenomena and we come to rely exclusively on knowledge learned through the not. We know that electron exist, theorize their orbit, but we have no clue how it really is. We could never stop an electron and check, or take a picture of it.

I came to the feeling that becoming old means experiencing more issues, which gradually accumulate along one's lifespan. Therefore, we are likely to begin with the positive way, but it then becomes a negative way. It seems to me that all is just a preparation for that event of life called "death", when we finally lose even the last bit that was left to us. We come into this world just to learn how not to be - which is indeed an enrichment, as we add the word "not" to "to be". A not is added to our existence, giving it a richer meaning.

Through the lack I learned,
absence is my friend,
deprivation is my fate,
let God carve my soul.

Goodbye to all.
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Re: The negative way to God

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:36 pm

I learned that we can only appreciate things when there is contrast to it. Like, we appreciate sweet when we taste the food that is bitter or sour. We appreciate daylight when there is night time, we appreciate happiness when there sadness or loneliness. We appreciate white color if we see dark/black colors, we appreciate kindness when we are treated harshly and so on and so fort.

What I am trying to say is that life is full of positive and negative things that happen and to happen. Anything that happens to us could definitely happen even though we try not to happen or refrain from it. Why? Because it hurts, it causes pain, we do not like trouble or problems. However, I learned that it is part of life, because I do believe that Papa God allow those things to happen. I do believe that life is not perfect happiness and joy and without sorrow. However, despite of that, Papa God is always loves us and He never changed. I personally think and ask Papa God why He allow these things to me wherein I desire to live a life pleasing and obedient to Him. I then come to realized that Papa God loves me not in my strength but in my weakness and in my despair. He is not.looking for perfect but for the not perfect. He said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and heavy laden and i will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me. For I am lowly and meek in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Moreover, difficulties and problems are the way for us to get stronger. I learned that we can only know what we want if we know what we do not want. Seems confusing at times, because what is happening in out lives is what we do not want. Then,it is an opportunity again to ask Papa God, and tell Him out of from our hearts and cry, "Papa God, I never expect expect this to happen however whatever you are up to, I trust you. Help me to respond in good spirit what I am.suppose to do help me and give me strength to face all these things." I learned that Papa God is our source of strength, and He gives us strength when we ask. Matthew 7:7 and Luke 11:9. And when we do not know what to do because we lack wisdom, Papa God is ready and.willing wholeheartedly to give us wisdom James 1:5.

Yes, definitely, Papa God will protect us from harm, shield us from destruction, gives us what desire at heart. We only need not to doubt and fear. Joshua 1:7, be strong and courageous.... and in Joshua 1:8, it is the verse that tells us the secret to a prosperous life.

Also, I come to realize that the greatest riches in this world is not what we posses but our relationship to Papa God. Despite negative and positive things comes to our lives, we can always count on Him, cry to Him, and He will always calm our hearts and gives us peace no matter what is going on in.the world and in our lives. It follows then that we can be loving and kind to people who are unloving and unkind, we can be forgiving and forget the past because Papa God also forgives us and cleanse us, Isaiah 1:18.


Though I walk through the valleys of life,
God is my refuge.
Though I fail and stumble,
He gives me strength and light.
Whatever and wherever I go,
His love and care never fails.
All things that happens are part of life,
And will come to pass.

Papa God will also bless us we can imagine. Relationship, friendship, material blessings and all we can desire.

I keep you in my prayers.
When you do not know what to do or which way to turn, smile. This will relax your mind and let the sunshine of happiness into your soul.
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Re: The negative way to God

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Oct 05, 2020 7:44 pm

mystic wrote:As I have learned, negative does not mean bad. There are two ways to God, a positive and a negative one.

The positive way is when you get signs from heaven, you walk on the leaves that angels put below your feet so that you don't stumble, all happens in God's timing, you are under God's shield, nothing touches you, you prosper, your life is simple, easy, happy.

But not all are so fortunate to have all. And there comes the negative way, the way that lets you appreciate things and values through their deprivation. You come close to God because you don't have something, your life is in peril, anything bad happens to you, people take all you have. At the end, this is a deeper way, because you come to appreciate things that, in the positive way, you would just neither notice nor value.

Another difference between the positive and negative way is that in the positive way people tend to take any effort to keep what they have. They don't want to lose it. Instead, in the negative way nothing is left to be lost.
The Bible contains positive and negative (do not do...) precepts. The negative ones are more than the positive ones. That may seem astounding, as the human mind is made so that it really understands only positive precepts. Even when you teach a baby, it's easy to explain, "do this", but the baby doesn't readily grasp "don't do that".
In the maximal sciences we cannot entirely grasp phenomena and we come to rely exclusively on knowledge learned through the not. We know that electron exist, theorize their orbit, but we have no clue how it really is. We could never stop an electron and check, or take a picture of it.

I came to the feeling that becoming old means experiencing more issues, which gradually accumulate along one's lifespan. Therefore, we are likely to begin with the positive way, but it then becomes a negative way. It seems to me that all is just a preparation for that event of life called "death", when we finally lose even the last bit that was left to us. We come into this world just to learn how not to be - which is indeed an enrichment, as we add the word "not" to "to be". A not is added to our existence, giving it a richer meaning.

Through the lack I learned,
absence is my friend,
deprivation is my fate,
let God carve my soul.

Goodbye to all.

Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name.

I come to You in humbleness asking for Your mercy qnd grace. Father, whatever our heart's condition, I pray, that let our heart and mind in tune with Yours.

I ask forgiveness for my failure and for being imperfect. Forgive me for all the sins in my actions, my mind and my words. Forgive me for the hurt and failures that I have done to my family, my neighbors and to all that things that I was not aware of. I ask for your mercy and grace and your peace in our hearts in this time of pandemic. Please sustain your people, and help us to realize that we can do nothing without You and we need You each and everyday. Help us to look unto You as the author and finisher of our faith when we stumble and fail. Help us to realize that as we are in this world, we do commit failures. Despite of that, those failures are the way for us to be cleansed and mold by You as what You want us to be. Because You are our potter and we are the clay. Also help us to realize that in good and bad times, these are fire you allow in our lives as to separate impurities as melting gold.

Also, remind us that you are in the midst of everything. Help us to realize that You are God, You are omnipresent, omniscient. and omnipotent. Forgive me that I look to much to people and get stumble and so that people also stumble on me because of my failures. Father, forgive me for being a failure and I am not perfect. Help me to do better each and everyday to manifest your life in me. With all the struggles right now, calm our hearts, and give us peace because you are the souce of peace knowing that You are in control of everything.

Thank You for this previlege that I and we can come to your presence at this moment of time and in all time. All these I pray, in Jesus name, Amen.
When you do not know what to do or which way to turn, smile. This will relax your mind and let the sunshine of happiness into your soul.
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