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Postby crisipicada » Sat Jul 04, 2020 6:23 pm

Please pray for a member here named lala. Her husband is in facility, for he has symptoms of virus. Lala and her husband is working on the same department in the Provincial Office. Lala is a newspaper writer and a news reporter so his husband also go to different places in their province. She is alone in their house while her kids stay at her cousins. Please pray for her strength. People treat their as a curse since their house is being barricade without their knowledge. Hope the result is negative.
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Re: Covid-19

Postby jadegil6 » Sun Jul 05, 2020 10:47 pm

I talked to my daughter on Friday, and she has covid-19.
She got it at her church.
She felt pretty bad for a few days, but I convinced her to take mega doses of vitamin C and 500 IU daily of vitamin D and also take zinc supplements as well as acetaminophen 3 times a day as a fever reducer.
She is doing much better today (Sunday).
So far, her husband has not shown any symptoms, but he lives in the same house, so time will tell.
God be with you all. Stay safe.
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Re: Covid-19

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:49 am

My bestfriend's husband was put into 14 days isolation due to covid infection. He was asymptomatic at first and later on symptomatic. My bestfriend was also advised to go back home from work and stay home for 14 days. The struggle was real, she was feeling depressed, hopeless and was anxious. However, her husband is now doing good and healed and negative from covid virus infection. Thanks for all the prayers and concern.
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Re: Covid-19

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:57 am

The Philippines will be put to lock down for two weeks due to new virus variant spreads. Over the news, the president said that our country will be in trouble if this happens. We will hope for the best.
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Re: Covid-19

Postby mystic » Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:37 am

One easy remedy:
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Covid-19

Postby jadegil6 » Mon May 31, 2021 6:06 pm

Covid-19 continues to plague our world, although some countries are now reaching around 50% of their populations having been vaccinated. Those countries are slowly reopening their restaurants, bars, churches, schools, offices and stores. Other countries which were not previously hit so hard by the virus are now experiencing higher infection rates and spreading of the virus. As of today, three countries now experiencing high infection rates are Japan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Hopefully, more vaccines can be produced and distributed to lessen the severity of the infection rates. However, there are many people who negate the severity of this virus, and they do not wish to be vaccinated, and because of that, the virus will continue to spread and be a problem for our world for a very long time to come.
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Re: Covid-19

Postby jadegil6 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:42 pm

I had covid when it first started, before anyone knew it was spreading around the US.
I was sick for about 2 weeks with high fever, cough and body aches.
I treated myself at home with fever reducer (Tylenol) and I also bought some decongestant cough syrup that I took at night.
I would wake up numerous times during the night with coughing attacks. I had a pan close to my bed where I could spit out the phlegm. I tried to sleep on my side instead of on my back. That seemed to help.
I did get up and stayed up all day. I did not lay down during the day. I felt pretty bad at times, but I got through it without medical treatment. Since then, my daughter and her husband had it. He did not get sick, but she did for about 10 days. He took care of her.
I have had some elderly cousins who got covid, and they were sick, but they did not go to the hospital.
I have some friends in the Philippines right now who have covid and who are quarantined by the government in hotels.

There is a new variant of covid called, delta.
It is spreading around the world rapidly. It is 10x more infectious than the original covid. Many counties that were not severely affected during the first covid are now being severely affected by the delta variety.
I am fortunate that I live in the US, and I was able to get the Moderna vaccine (2 shots) through the Veterans Health System. Many places in the US are reopening without social distancing or facemasks. Some areas in the US where the population is mostly Republicans and Trump supporters, they are not getting vaccinated, and in those areas, covid is getting worse. Stats say of the last 2000 deaths from covid in the US, 150 were previously vaccinated, and 1750 were not vaccinated. This indicates that one has a much better chance of living when they are vaccinated.

Nobody knows what is going to happen in the future. I think it may take a very long time for the world to get past this virus.

God bless us all.
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Re: Covid-19

Postby jadegil6 » Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:51 pm

The delta variant of covid is spreading quickly around the world.

In the US it is the leading strain of covid that is infecting people. It is infecting children as well as adults. So far the statistics indicate that if one in vaccinated, then it is extremely rare that one would get sick enough to be hospitalized or die. 99.9% of those hospitalized in the US for covid have not been vaccinated.

In the Philippines the delta variant is causing a lot of problems. Not that many people in the Philippines have had the opportunity to get a vaccination yet. Many cities around the Philippines have gone back to covid restrictions again, and movement around those areas is limited.
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Re: Covid-19

Postby Jerry » Tue Sep 07, 2021 10:34 pm

I experienced fever and muscle or bodyaches too and tested positive. I stayed home for two weeks and now I am much okay.
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Re: Covid-19

Postby jadegil6 » Wed Sep 08, 2021 1:33 pm

I am glad to hear that you beat it, Jerry.
I hope that you will stay safe, and continue to take precautions.
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