What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby bachuichui » Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:26 pm

Edwin wrote:
bachuichui wrote:my day today?? haha :D
im wearing my PE uniform slightly wet..ggggrrrrrr

i forgot to dry it..the weather here not so good.

Here lately your P.E. uniform would dry quickly as it is hot and dry here, for us anyway. We don't have as high temperatures as they do in the valley, in the towns. We have been up to the high 80s F. and just into the low 90s F. some days. It is cooler here than it was a few days ago.

We have an electric clothes dryer, but Carol tries to hang them out on the line to dry. Last time she did clothes the week before we went to our kids' place by Spokane she used the dryer as she was feeling tired, and maybe she didn't feel good beyond being tired. :) :) :) :)

that's good you had an electricclothes dryer.. here in our dorm we don't have any.. those don't work..that's why its so hard to dry our clothes.
we have to hung it under the sun..
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:24 am

bachuichui wrote:my day today..haha
today is thursday here in the philippines.. it is school day..
i was thinking that we don't have a class today because
i was confused if today is a holiday or not because today
is the President's State of the Nation address.

my class today starts at 7:30 am.. and i wake up 7:30..
not bad my dormitory is a few steps from our school..
so i quickly get up from my bed and take my bath..
i did not take my breakfast already. :(

i was late for about 15 minutes.. whooo

Years ago, sometime around 1989 or 1990 or so I was substitute teaching. I was on call for probably about 10 school districts. I got a call several days in advance to teach at this school about an hour's drive away from our home. I wrote it on the calendar. I thought I knew which day it was, so I got careless and didn't look at my calender when I should have. The morning came that I was supposed to teach for them, and I got a phone call asking where I was. Well, I was still in bed, thinking I had the day off! They were almost angry with me; definately not happy. I was so embarrassed, and off course by that time it was too late for me to get there in time to help them. I was much more careful after that, and it didn't happen again. I taught that way for about ten years, and I was very busy 8 or those 10 years. The first two years were slow because they didn't know me well, and after that I was the teacher they wanted if I was not going somewhere else.

Our daughter has a 3 story house. In the winter she hangs were clothing on the 3rd floor and gives them as long as it takes to get dry, which is a long time up there with no heat. In the summer she hangs them outside under the sun. We have had a dryer ever since we have lived here, but no running water yet. She used the electric dryer until I dug a retractable clothes line out of our reefer trailer. Our daughter gave us a fense post, so I set the post at a slight angle, then Carol pulls that retractable line out and hooks it on the post. It works really well, and most always Carol uses it, except a couple of weeks ago she was feeling really tired, and may not well besides that, so she used the electric dryer. Our kids bring their clothes over to our house to use the electric dryer when it is raining, or if they are in a hurry, like when you were trying to dry your P.E. clothes.

I thought before that commercial people didn't celebrate those holidays that followed a weekend, like on Monday. I thought only government agencies observed those holidays. I call business places and ask for employment as part of my requirement for drawing unemployment. I tried calling business places on one of those Mondays and I discovered that business places observe those Monday holidays, so I called on Tuesday instead. :roll: :roll: :o :o :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:51 am

Yesterday until this 3pm today was blackout and the light just back. I have a bad day since yesterday. I am not feeling well since few days. I try to be healthy and i hope i will because environment is not good specially it all rain during morning and evening.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:14 am

crisipicada wrote:Yesterday until this 3pm today was blackout and the light just back. I have a bad day since yesterday. I am not feeling well since few days. I try to be healthy and i hope i will because environment is not good specially it all rain during morning and evening.

I am sorry about your blackout and your not feeling good. I will pray for you.

We have had an unusually wet spring and early summer here. My brother was into wheat farming years ago, and his first crop was over the top due to a spring and summer like this. I noticed that there have been patches that the wheat is flattened to the ground because of heavy rains on a heavy crop.

We have a lot of beautiful wild flowers growing because of the wet spring and early summer. Then the grass grew a lot more, and our son-in-law cut and bailed more grass hay than he ever has since they have been here, so that will be nice for their/our animals this winter. The grass is much better hay with more nutrician than irrigated alfalfa, so that is nice, but they do have to buy alfalfa to suppliment so that they will have enough.

It has been hot and dry for a while now, and how quickly things dry out, especially with hot winds that we have been having. The road is dusty now and the top of the ground is dry with everything that was so green a little earler having turned brown. There is still some green, but a lot of it has turned dry and brown.

I hope things get better for you with the blackouts, the continual rains, and your not feeling well yet. :) :) :) :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby bluebird » Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:21 pm

God give us light in day yesterday
And rain in the evening as it used to occur
With thunders and lightnings all through night
As i was not able to sleep tight.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:22 am

Did some laundry today, clean the bathroom, and napped and browsing on internet.....and playing with kids.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:27 pm

We went to where we used to live in a double wide mobile home in the Stehekin Valley. We lived there a total of 10 years, but in that double wide for 6 years. We are very good friends with the lady who moved into it after we moved out, so we have been invited to stay there several time, and that has been fun. This will probably be our last time in that place as the lady is moving out of the Valley and to Chelan which is where the roads to the world begin. It is sad, but that is part of life, it is okay, and we will be happy and go on with our lives. We still have several commuter tickets so between now and the end of January we will make several trips back, if only up on the boat and back the same day. If we are lucky enough to have someone invite us we might stay a few days, but that seems unlikely for now anyway.

The lady had a computer and the internet, but she had connectivity problems, and I was not able to be on the internet at all, so some of you might have noticed my absense from the forum. She got on for short periods of time, and our older granddaughter, 17, got on facebook a few times to check on her boyfriend in the Valley, and she managed to see him a couple of times during the week, which was nice for her, and we enjoyed too as we are friends with all those people there. We managed to visit several of our friends in the Valley while there.

There where we used to live is really close to the school, so I walked there every day and played their piano for extended periods of time which we very fun. I took a "Heavenly Highway Hymns" book with me. It has about 300 pages in it, and I played most of the songs in that book at least once, and some twice. I went from the middle to the end, then from the beginning to page 222, so it was fun. We had a visitor at the house for a few minutes who is a famous author of historical novals which my wife has read most of her books. I was outside and the lady told me that this visitor wanted me to sing while she played the pump organ. When I got there she told me that she was having a difficult time keeping the pumping going and playing the keys at the same time. She asked me if I wanted to try, and I told her I had already packed my music away. She asked me to try to play anyway, so I ventured to play some chords. I played a number of hymns in various keys, and she played on the lower end of the keyboard while I played. It was fun. If I had known that she was a professional pianist I would never have played as I still do not see myself as a skilled pianist. But since I didn't know that I played just like I was the talented pianist, and she was impressed with my ability to play by ear, and then she told me that she had played the piano professionally most of her adult life. She said that for the first time she didn't have a quartet playing with her. Her name is Carolly Erickson. Now we are back home again. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:17 pm

This day started early. We got up, ate oatmeal and rasins, also giving some to the dog, Scooby that is pictured here. He loves that food. Then we went to town for our granddaughters' dental appointments. Being Monday after the weekend that dental office was full of walk-ins, who had problems over the weekend, and were there in pain and misery hoping for relief. I know all about that because in 2003 or 4 we came to my cousin's funeral, and stopped by there before the funeral with my teeth hurting like you could not believe. They told me that they did not have time to deaden my mouth, and if I could stand it they would work on my teeth. I was hurting so badly that I told them go for it. They drilled and filled my teeth without any pain numbing or anything, and that did not hurt as badly as the problem they were fixing. Well, this morning they relieved pain for a lot of people. My teeth now are in good condition as a result of visiting the dentist for two years and spending a lot of money, but it is worth that. We then went to the library. I looked for music, but I didn't have any luck. Carol and the girls found a pile of books they want to read. Then we went to AT&T to get the girls phones recharged so they can text and talk. One only wants texting, and the other wants both, so for now they got it. We then went to Kentucky Fried Chicken for our lunch. After that we went to Walmart, bought dog food, a small chest of drawers for $10.00, and a locking hasp as well as a paddle lock to repair the lock on our daughter's building that someone sawed the hasp off and through the paddle lock away. We then drove over to our daughter's place and did that repair. We then found a young man that we practically raised, having him in our home from the time he was an infant, and various years there after. We went to Dairy Queen, ate icecream and visited with him. Then we took him home, drove back to fill with gasoline, buy the girls and Carol pop and water, and then we headed home. That has been our day so far, and shortly it will be time to eat a light supper, and then walk Scoobie, the huge doggy in the picture here. I walk him about 5 miles every evening, and our other dog walks along too and loves it. :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:32 pm

Today I got out of bed about 7:30 a.m., and ate some oatmeal, raisins, and milk. I then played the piano for a little while. Then I decided to go out and dig. By our house the ditch was dug with a bobcat with a power shovel on it. Due to a misunderstanding it was dug 5 to 6 feet wide right outside our house. The guy who dug it felt badly that he dug it the way he did, but I was happy, because before my eyes I saw a root cellar. I am enlarging it to 8 feet by 12 feet, and then the dug out basement under the house is in addition to that. That is where the pump, hotwater heater, and pressure tank will go. It will be 8 feet by about six feet or so. I am digging out underneath the house presently. It is hardpan and rocks, so I am having to chip it out as I go. I want to have it deep enough so that I can have head room for my 6 foot body. What I have been doing is to chip loose what I am going to shovel out of the hole. Then I take a break, playing the piano, after which I go back out and shovel the dirt and rocks out of the hole. I will shovel my basement room out from under the house first, and then I will square and plumb the rest of it, making the walls straight up and down, and making sure the dimentions are 12 feet by 8 feet. Then I will build a stairway going down into the root cellar. After that I will place the hotwater heater, pressure tank, and pump in the room under the house, which I am presently digging. Then I will build a deck over it, and make the deck larger to cover about 12 by 24 feet or so. Then I will need to insulate and build a trap door so it will not freeze in the root cellar. That will be so that my water will not freeze nor will anything I store down there freeze. I am hoping to get all that done before I leave for the Philippines the middle of October, because it will be freezing shortly after that, and it froze before that last year. After my day, my back was not working so well, but then I walked Scoobie my big dog anyway the 4 or 5 miles, and after that my back felt fine. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:35 am

I did too much, or maybe I made mistakes in the way of bent, reached, or stretched, because my back and my shoulder hurt enough so that I had a hard time staying asleep. I decided it was wise not to do anything today, but to let my body heal, so I played the piano and laid down off and on all day. Then I walked the big dog for an hour and a half as I usually do. The days are getting shorter so I am starting the walking one half hour earlier and still ending up in the dark. I wanted to work, but rest was the wiser choice, and now my body feels pretty good. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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