You have heard people say don't talk about politics or religion. The idea is that these subjects can stir up some very strong feelings. I like to talk both, but if I sense a huge fight coming I back away from the conversation.
Many people have strong feelings about whether you belong to one religious group or another. I do have problems with things that various groups believe and practice, but basically if people believe that Jesus lived His life to save us, that He died and rose again, that He wants to save us, and that He is coming again to receive His Own, and that He is preparing a place for His Own, then that is a good basis for fellowship, and it doesn't matter if the people are Catholics, Baptists, Seventh Day, or whatever else they are as long as they believe in Jesus, and that He lived and died to save us, and that He wants us to live a victorious life over sin and the devil, then we have fellowship with each other. It is when people deny God, the Bible, and God's Person and Power that there are problems.
Our friend is a Democrat and I am a Republican. He tells people, "Now we better not discuss this as David is a Republican." Well, I like it that the Republicans are opposed to abortions, and guy rights, and I might step on some toes there, but I believe the Bible decribes the gay life style as a life of sin, and death is the result. Republicans stand for God and right more than Democrats. Republicans support Christian lifestyles and morality. Many times the Democrates support evil, while the Republicans support God's ways. I think it is more that way now that it used to be. Now you can almost describe Republican as Christian, and Democrat as evil. All you have to do is think about what they stand for, and then it is easy to figure them out.