post a picture?

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post a picture?

Postby abufarsi » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:54 pm

OH it is so true that a picture represents a thousand words... But what words are they?

Recently I have been browsing pen pal sites, all let you browse endless pictures, for free. I see young ones, older ones, happy ones, pensive ones, and of course pretty ones and ugly ones. Virtually all sites request a picture.

How to select? Would I love or not love a woman based on her looks? I think not.

There are 2 women here who post on this forum with pictures, both too cute. And I will admit that I have had the fantasy of a young pretty wife... a trophy wife... but who will I impress, that I want to impress, if I married a teenager? Why did these posters here select those pictures, attach them to their posts, if not to show how pretty they were? Would they actually want a guy because he selected them because they were indeed pretty?

Sometimes while gazing at endless photos of those looking for people... I ask myself, why did they select that particular picture? What message are they sending? Some are obviously professionally taken, what message does that send? I recently viewed a photo of a woman with a child, sitting with the child on her lap. The child newly bathed and hair neatly combed and parted, she seems to be in some far away place in somebodies back yard. And yet, her address was in Manila, not the mountain barranguy she was pictured in. Some have tight clothes and suggestive poses... what are they advertising, or do they see themselves as advertising anything?

I personally am not that into looking at old family photos. I have taken albums worth of photos but i found that I simply never looked back through them. When I selected my photo, it was the only one I could find at all. It was taken by an old customer of mine at his birthday party on the beach, then he mailed it to me on my birthday. The Photo says nothing at all about me.

So here you have it, a thousand words... AND NO PHOTO.

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Re: post a picture?

Postby justmovenalong » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:26 pm

Sometime people read way to much into something I think.of course people pick photos that they feel make them look better or with a bigger built sucking their gut in ( heeheh) or wearn a hat to cover their bold head.What s the matter with that.It is the looks that will help to get the first contact and everybody is smart enuff to know this.but we are also smart enuff to know that once you start chating looks take a back seat.People are all looking for something defferent and knowbody knows what it is that starts that spark and says i think id like to chat with her/him for me Im attracted to a full face and a little bit of a belly maybe someone skinny with high cheek bones but when we look at the pics its the face that first gets ur eye then u look at build and back for the lady that put manila she maybe there for work now and that was the pic that she feels best about.Also so it is hard for some to get pics there it is nothing like here where everyone has a cam and color printer so it may be the only one they haveWhen i first meet my gf the only pic she had was a passport photo and a few from school.But be sure that I dont feel anyone is tryn to pull anything over they are doin just what is natural by human nature.they want to look GOOD for you.
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Re: post a picture?

Postby edeline » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:50 pm

You are right, pictures represent thousands of words and I think it depends on the viewer. We do have different interpretations of the pictures being posted.

Me in my side, I am uploading pictures which I think nice and could please the people. It might not be so catching to the eyes to others but somewhat catching to the others.

In selecting, I think the immediate way is looking a person's appearance but that not the basis of selecting. You have to go deeper to know what kind of person inside because doesn't look but attitudes do.
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Re: post a picture?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:13 am

"Man look at the physical side and God looketh at the heart", that is very true as what the Bible says.

Guys, if women post their photos in here not to flirt but to have someone idea about her what she looks like :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Now, do not just focus in there. Give sometime to know her more by sending email or giving time chatting too.

I believe in due time you will know each other. Of course, please do not judge the person if you find fault on her/him.

Sometimes or most of people when they see fault on the person, they forget all the goodness he/she has.

Give time to talk and talk sincerely with a heart-to-heart conversation.

Do not judge right away who knows she/he has done that for a reason and what ever it is we do not have the right to judge her/him.

So now, i will ask the man/woman why he/she has done that - or any fault i found. There is always a way to fix problems. :D :D :D :D :D :D

Or else you will be sad of the things not mend/fix.
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