Yes. That is true. But what is the reasOn why peOpLe cOmmit reLatiOnshiP withOut cOmmiment? Are they trying tO waste sOmebOdy`s time? want sOmebOdy tO get hurt?? Ohh weLL, I dOnt waste my time On that. LOve the persOn whOm yOu reaLLy LOve and dOnt hurt sOmebOdys feeLings cause getting hurt is nOt easy.. Why cOmmit if yOu dOnt want respOnsibiLity Or are afraid Of it? Let`s Live Our Life tO the fuLLest! COmmit if yOur in LOve! DOnt hide yOur respOnsibiLity!
Wow, what a word, Ms.sin17. You are fabulous
Its just a wOrd, stan.. a wOrd that needs practicaLity in Life.. Thanks fOr the cOmpLiment thOugh..