Children's Christmas Party

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Children's Christmas Party

Postby jadegil6 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:16 am

I have uploaded the first two pages of the photos from:


Held on December 25, 2010 in Danao City, Cebu.

Page #1:'s%20Children's%20Christmas%20Party_1_2010.html

Page #2:'s%20Children's%20Christmas%20Party_2_2010.html

You will need to copy and paste these links into your browser since all URL links are disabled on this Forum.

Or you can find links to these on the Picture's Listings Page on the jaderune website.

The TV, DVD player, and Karoake machine were purchased with donations from Edwin (his donated prize winnings), and with cash from "justmovenalong" and "Tigger82d". Thank you to these gentlemen for thier good hearts. God bless you, Sirs!
I pitched in to cover the additional costs and to purchase at least 2 presents for each child, and chocolate candies from the US, and cake and ice cream in the afternoon. I also made cash donations to The Center Adminstrator and to one of his staff ( the yellow shirt) who had not been paid in 5 months.
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