Supporting wife's family, how important?

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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby mikemcwee » Thu May 05, 2011 7:39 am

Justmovealong and jadegil6 are wrong, wrong,wrong!

Manilamadman is the first solid advice given here. The major reason young Filipinas want to marry a much older USA man is money. They do have large families and they do expect to support their Filipino families. I never heard manilamadman make a judgement on that issue or on any person. He just put the issue out out there for everyone to be aware of. And good that he did because it's a big, big problem.

As far as the site owner profiting off this site, when did manilamadman mention that? You, justmovealong brought that issue up. But now that the issue is out, there is certainly reason for caution as several flim flam organizations raising money to support Philippine orphans have been busted for inappropriate use of the money raised. That is a fact. Notice I am not accusing this site. But good to be honest about possible fraud.

And lastly, this is supposed to be a Christian site. Where is the love, tolerance and freedom from judgement? You did not like manilamadman's message so you judge and castigate. Why is he not entitled to his opinion? Judge not least you be judged.

You should apologize to manilamadman and encourage his posts!
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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby Edwin » Thu May 05, 2011 10:15 am

I will agree with justmovenalong, that manilamadman owes jadegil6 an apology. First of all manilamadman offered happydave a scam site as the solution to his request, and that was inappropriate. Manilamadman should have been embarrassed and apologetic for attempting to expose to an outfit whose sole purpose is to scam people out of money by misrepresentation and taking advatage of people's desires. So instead of attacking jadegil6, he should have said a big, "I am sorry," and backed off. Jadegil6 is devoting his time to helping women, children, and young people in need. He is responsible to keep this site safe, and that is a big responsibility, as we all see people attempting to do wrong to the site, and innocent people connected with

Jadegil6 is correct in that manilamadman is making inappropriate and unfair generalizations of filipino people. He would be the first to alert people to the pitfalls to watch out for. The filipino people are aware of possible problems, and many of them guard against them in their own lives. They determine not to become the fulfilment of that concept. There are the good and the bad in all people, but from what I have seen filipino people are very generous. They have love for and fear of God more than many other people in other places. I was in a position to give away some very nice things that I had to get the weight of my luggage down for the domestic flight. As I was giving away my nice things, they stopped me and told me, "don't give us any thing else as you won't have anything left!" They could have taken me for all they could get, but they were not of that mind set. I refuse to believe that filipino people are as manilamadman portrayed them. They have a big drive to get educated, and many of them are professionals.

I just think filipino people are the most wonderful people in the world, and they deserve what we can do to help them. We, my wife and I, are connected with filipino people in so many ways, and I have seen nothing but good from them. I agree with jadegil6 that people who have the kind of attitudes that have been displayed by a couple of people here don't belong on this site. They should go find their ladies from these other countries, but they should not be badmouthing this site and filipino people in general!
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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby ronspeers » Thu May 05, 2011 12:52 pm

Lots of huffing and puffing on this issue but reality is 90% of filipinas marry american men for money. I have lived in the philippines and I know this issue well. Certainly no one likes to admit this but these marriages are about money. Why else would a poor woman marry a much older guy she barely knows from the other side of the world?

These marriages are symbiotic delusions. A 60 year man likes to believe he still has what it takes to attract a hot 25 year old. He does--it's called money! A young filipina wants to believe it's all about love but truth is she will say she loves and will marry the first halfway decent american man that shows up at her door! She many be writing or emailing or chatting with a couple of guys but the american guy she will decides she loves is the first one that arrives at her door with a marriage proposal!

So you guys just approach these marriages with all eyes open. And yes, she will figure some angle to support her family, you can count on that! The overall cost of marrying a filipina will turn out to be much higher than you now imagine. I am not saying don't do it. I am not saying filipinos are not mostly nice people. I am not saying most filipinas are not nice women. Just clearly understand what you are getting into.
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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby abufarsi » Thu May 05, 2011 5:07 pm

Still ranting along with your insulting, bigoted, generalizations about mixed culture marriages. Shame on you. It is bad enough that you are on a site that shares information for introductions, which you personally are not interested in, but, to then imply every participant as a Filipino whore marrying a quasi pedophile is outrageous.

When you posted this same crap on "cebu city" and other forums, you were replied to, and consistently told your assumptions were wrong, to a man. Not a single reply agreed with you. Yet you persist.

You, Ron, Mc wee, are nothing but a troll. A 13 year old looking to say something outrageous because you have nothing productive to say.

Already your reply is formed, so, in advance a reply to that of my own. So what if you know a guy who is 80 married to a 18 year old. This shows nothing, reflects not a bit on the norms of any persons on this site or any other, and, you have nothing but speculation as to the motivations of even your single weak example.
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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby ronspeers » Thu May 05, 2011 7:25 pm

I don't know you and your sure don't know me, so why imply you do?

You may be having a "freudian slip" which means what is stored in your own subconscious is slipping out into your speech because I never said or implied anything about filipino "whores". That is your term not mine and why are you using such a derogative term? Possibly you are suffering some type of guilt complex because you are an elderly man here to snag a much younger woman?

If true, do I care? No. Consenting adults can do as they wish. My post was about the material cause for a may-december marriage of filipina to much older american man--money.
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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby ronspeers » Thu May 05, 2011 7:33 pm

And also abufarsi if you actually clam down and read my post you will see I never ever mentioned anything about "mixed culture marriages". My point was about economic (money) issues. Cultural issues must be your own hangup--don't try to pin that on me.
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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby youngj » Thu May 05, 2011 7:58 pm

I think that manilamadman is wrong to generalize that ALL filipinas are unsophisticated, and that ALL filipinas will use her foreign husband to support her family. Yes, some of them will, but that is also true of women from anywhere else in the world. I have been married twice before...once to a German, and once to a Mexican. Many times the families of these women would ask us for money, and if we had it, then we would be happy to give it to them. I guess there is more than one way to look at it. If you truly care about your wife, then you will also care about her family, and if they need help from time to time, and you can afford to give them that help, then why wouldn't you do it?
Some men are just so tight-fisted that they wouldn't part company with a quarter unless there was something that they were getting in return. I would say that manilamadman would fall into that category. He probably married a filipina, and found out that her family was always needing help, and he was too stingy and self-absorbed in himself to give them anything except a hard time...the same way he has been doing to jadegil6. So he is a bitter man who could never think about anyone's needs except his own.
I will have to agree with justmovinalong and Edwin. And as far as him not attacking anybody. That's a laugh. He attacked every filipina with his generalizations, and he also attacked jadegil6 with his threat to cause problems. When you have someone in this world who goes out of there way to help others, then why would you even consider of attacking them and hurting their cause unless you are a self-centered ego maniac whose only ambition in life is to hurt people? should be ashamed of your behavior! But I know you won't be because you are too selfish to admit that you are wrong.
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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby ronspeers » Thu May 05, 2011 8:17 pm

It's interesting you castigate manilamadman and guess (you don't know) he had problems while married to a Filipina. That is obviously pure speculation as you have zero basis in fact.

But you (youngj) acknowledge "been married twice before...once to a German, and once to a Mexican". So how do your known failures in marriage qualify you to speak with any reasonable expertise on the issue of successful marriage?

Given you have obvious known marriage failures and manilamadman has zero know marriage failures, I suggest that logically manilamadman's relationship advice is much much better than yours.
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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby youngj » Thu May 05, 2011 8:57 pm

I guess you have put me in my place, Mr. Ron. My first wife was killed in an auto accident, and my second wife died of cancer. So, yeah! I have had two failed marriages. So how is that superior intellect of yours working for you now, Sir?
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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby ronspeers » Thu May 05, 2011 11:13 pm

Very sorry to hear of your loss but I had 4 wives and 6 kids blown away in a hurricane. Guess I win sympathy vote.
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