So many people miss out on really nice stuff by letting their head rule. I never miss the opportunity to try anything food. My view is that if others are eating it then it ain't going to kill me.
I have experienced some amazing tastes over the years with the only thing I can recall as being not to my liking was what looked like a knotted cheep's intestine. It was so bitter, I almost had to spit it out. Unfortunately I was in the back roads of Indonesia and "feasting" along with the tribe elders and it would have been bad form to spit at that point. Although the elders were watching me intently and I suspect it may have been a joking test.
I have eaten cooked rat-head crushed up into an almost paste (bone and brain) on the blade of an axe. I have eaten bugs including scorpions, my favorite bug is the Cricket. Really nice delicious creamy unique taste. I didn't like grasshopper so much as the legs have hundreds of little hooks that kind of stick to your tongue and throat as you swallow. Best if you hold them by the legs and bite the good bits off.
I have eaten Witchety (sp?) grubs in Australia, raw warm slightly writhing snake in Vietnam, a still-pumping Cobra heart. The eye ball of a butchered calf which I bit out of the socket, also from sheep and Salmon. I have eaten sea urchin-slug type things that looked and felt like congealed snot.
Tasted like watery cucumber.
The thing is to take control of your mind and enjoy the experience. I don't mean that you keep saying, "this is just chicken, this is just chicken" I mean take control and stop the mind deciding what you may enjoy just because your eyes are showing you something unfamiliar.
I have never been to the Phils, but Balut is on the list for when I get there. Bring it on.