The Bible tells us we are not to be weary in well doing because in time we will reap if we faint not. Sometimes we can wish that we were someone else, or that we had what someone else has, whether it would be health, education, or money. God has created each one of us special, and there does not exist another person like us anywhere. The is why we are valuable in God's site is because there is no one else like we are. We can become bored with our lives sometimes, but God wants us to make the most of who we are and what we have. We are to give ourselves to God and allow Him to mold us into His own image, and make out of us what He wants us to be. People can think they are not intelligent enough, or they don't have enough money, but God loves each one of us, and He can use us for His glory, and help to bring joy into our lives. We need to live our lives to the fullest, and let God have His way with us while we live.