Yes, this winter has been very different for us also. We are just south of Penticton, south of the border, south of Oroville, Washington about maybe 40 miles. The Canadian Okanagan valley has much milder winters than we do. They are like in a banana belt. We can have severe weather, lots of snow, cold temperature, and we can go up there and it will be spring like. Well, we have had reoccuring spells of cold, but not record setting. Early in the winter we had several snows that melted away right up to Christmas. After Christmas we had some snow, some wind, and drifting which is normal, but we didn't actually have enough snow to make deep drifts, and not as much wind. We have had warming spells as well, and had the snow nearly melt off several times. Today it is very warm, a little above 0 degrees Celcius, with fairly strong winds, and the snow is pretty well all disappeared. Last evening we had snow that turned into rain, and today we have had a little rain; not much. With the wind blowing so hard, and everything wet and soggy on the ground I decided not to walk today, and I would have gotten caught out in some downpours, so it is a good thing I didn't walk today. We drove down to town and back, and coming back in the afternoon the road dirt/gravel/clay was slick, and the car went this way and that way. It was worried about driving in from our mail box, but the road still seemed firm enough so that our car tires did not sink enough to be a problem. It can be a problem this year, sinking with the car in the mud, but so far so good!