Pakipot is a good measure of a man but making him chase a woman endlessly, even after marriage or established relationship at least, is like making the dog chase a ball that was not thrown. Because the dog wants that ball and is willing to play with it and the one who should be throwing it, there is a tendency for the thrower to overdo the fake throws and eventually, the dog will just get it in it's mind that the thrower is not going to throw the ball but instead fake it just to get a laugh or fulfill them self.
Well men are much the same. I don't want anything very easy. I expect a challenge and I expect it to be hard to obtain. But...that said, I expect that the person I am trying to win over is also not playing games with me and leading me on which is what too much pakipot can be interpreted. There must always be some fulfillment to his overtures and the assume he will keep playing the "hard to get" game she is tossing to him indefinitely, established or not, is incorrect. She must also realize that it isn't all about her and that she must also invest in the relationship. The chase is up to the man indeed. If she is receptive she must show it at some point or it will be seen as a game. Women play games a lot like this. Men know it and lose interest fast which means they leave and sometimes a really good relationship is never started for overzealous pakipot playing. This isn't to say all who play hard to get in their desire to measure the sincerity of the man loses. On the contrary many are greatful for the difficulty in obtaining his love. It makes it all worth it. But the universal balance for playing hard to get is to show it is working. To continue to play the game and be chased with no indication or incentive that it is working makes it seem she is just a game player and isn't serious. Again, good relationships can fail to ever start or finish on account of pakipot going wrong or too much or unbalanced.
My two cents from a man who loves, dated and is engaged to a Filipina.