Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

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Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby jadegil6 » Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:31 am

Dengue fever is one of the world's fastest spreading diseases, and is contacted through the bite of a mosquito. This disease is all-to-common in the Philippines, and the threat is growing as global temperatures continue to rise. Although I won't explain the reasoning for these environmental causes, I wish to publish this "home remedy" for treating dengue fever. I hope it will be of use to someone who may read this Topic. This post was obtained from someone who sent it to my Facebook page.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a much feared disease caused by a virus carried via mosquito bites. Dengue causes hemorrhaging of the internal organs to a point that it causes death. Western medicine, the common hospital does not have a cure for Dengue. They merely say that their treatment is supportive and all you need to do is pray that the dengue victim is strong enough.

But here in the Philippines, many people know and have attested to the fact that they and many others have been cured of dengue via a simple weed. This weed is called Gatas Gatas in the province of Leyte. But in Butuan City they call the same weed Tawa Tawa.

A case of a nephew Jeremy at 7 years old came down with dengue fever. Immediately, relatives in Cagayan de Oro City who knew about the dengue cure Tawa Tawa sent via airplane a few handfuls of the weed. In 24 hours, my nephew was cured.

My aunt Portia is the known herbalist in the government office NHA in Quezon City. There are lots of Tawa Tawa weeds growing around the NHA compound. Many NHA employees who have had trouble with dengue fever in their family have gone to Auntie Portia for help with the dengue cure. She picks a bunch of the Tawa Tawa weeds and gives it to the grateful employee that promptly cures every dengue case.

We planted a couple of Tawa Tawa weeds in our own garden. Just in case.

My auntie Portia’s recipe for curing Dengue Fever using Tawa Tawa weeds is as follows:

•Take 5 to 6 full whole Tawa Tawa plants.
•Cut off the roots
•Wash and clean
•Fill your boiling pot with clean water.
•Boil the Tawa Tawa for 1 (one) minute in a slow rolling boil.
•Pour the tawa tawa water and let cool.
•Let the dengue fever victim drink only the tawa tawa water for 24 hours.
•Sip 1 to 1.5 glasses of tawa tawa water every 1 hour
The internal hemorrhaging will stop and the dengue fever will be cured after 24 hours.

That’s it. Simple cure. Give it early enough. Tawa Tawa does not interfere with your western medical treatments. You can slip it in through to the patient in a water bottle. You do not need to ask permission from your doctor.
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Re: Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby crisipicada » Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:31 am

Be very careful now. Dengue is fatal. Do use mosquito net when you go to bed. Remember that prevention is better than cure
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Re: Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby purex » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:11 am

This rainy season, dengue will be very dangerous specially for the children. Take extra precaution to prevent this.
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Re: Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby tom » Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:07 pm

crisipicada wrote:Be very careful now. Dengue is fatal. Do use mosquito net when you go to bed. Remember that prevention is better than cure

interesting topic... do most filipinos use mosquito nets on their beds? :) ... hmmm? i wonder what it is like (how does it work out?) when you are in bed surrounded by netting and being passionate and intimate? :lol: :lol: ...... how prevalent is dengue in the philippines?... if i visit, should i wait until a few months after the rainy season is finished?... i am a little concerned because mosquitoes seem to consider my "natural aroma" to be very attractive and desirable (i don't know why that is... does anyone know why?... my theory is: i secrete too many pheromones... hehehe)...... i can be outside in a yard with dozens of other people but, usually, most of the mosquitoes come to me first :lol:... when i first moved to where i now live, there were so many mosquitoes i couldn't go outside and pick tomatoes and vegetables without getting a dozen bites or more :x :( ... so i bought some "mosquito magnet" machines .... they are expensive to operate, but it has been a good investment :D ... because the number of mosquitoes in my yard is almost zero now :lol: ... does anyone know why the mosquitoes in the u.s. don't spread dengue and malaria? (maybe they do, but i've never HEARD of a case of dengue in the u.s.)... does anyone know anyone who used the aforementioned herbal remedy to successfully cure dengue?
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Re: Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby stanley » Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:50 pm

It feels good when there are lots of mosquitoes :lol: :lol: why? so that i stay awake during the night with my partner. I don't need mosquito-net. i don't mind if there are mosquitoes around me. ;) ;)
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Re: Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby tom » Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:00 am

stanley wrote:It feels good when there are lots of mosquitoes :lol: :lol: why? so that i stay awake during the night with my partner. I don't need mosquito-net. i don't mind if there are mosquitoes around me. ;) ;)

hehehe.... you will die while making love :lol: ... but, you will be feeling good and be very happy... hehehe :lol: :lol:
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Re: Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby Chas » Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:45 pm

tom wrote: if i visit, should i wait until a few months after the rainy season is finished?... i am a little concerned because mosquitoes seem to consider my "natural aroma" to be very attractive and desirable (i don't know why that is... does anyone know why?... my theory is: i secrete too many pheromones... hehehe)...... i can be outside in a yard with dozens of other people but, usually, most of the mosquitoes come to me first :lol:... when i first moved to where i now live, there were so many mosquitoes i couldn't go outside and pick tomatoes and vegetables without getting a dozen bites or more :x :( ... so i bought some "mosquito magnet" machines .... they are expensive to operate, but it has been a good investment :D ...

Like you I am a mosquito magnet. When I visited Cebu in early March I had no problems. I used a repellent with 50% deet in the evening. I think I ended up with 6 bites over the two weeks. I am currently intending to return in November. I cannot recall any hotel bed having or needing mosquito nets. I was always in air conditioned rooms and I do not know if that had an impact on mosquito numbers. In Africa I always had mosquito nets provided and had to take strong anti-malarials.

The doctor only recommended malaria tablets for my visit because I was visiting the Sugar Cane fields on Negros. Have a look at this site for advice.
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Thanks for mentioning mosquito magnet machines. I googled them and may get one. I get fed up being bitten.
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Re: Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby m&m » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:39 am

There are lots of dengue cases in our community in fact the most affected are the children. If possible empty your container, for usually mosquitoes are trying lay eggs in wet container or in a cold places.
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Re: Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby m&m » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:44 am

]Mosquito trap (Dengue prevention)
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It's just a mix of water, brown sugar and yeast.

1. Cut a plastic bottle in half, keep both parts. Can be Coca Cola / Pepsi bottle..
2. Take the lower portion of the bottle. Dissolve the brown sugar in hot water. Let it cool down to ~70 degF.
3. Add the yeast. Carbon dioxide will form (This will attract the mosquitos)
4. Cover the bottle with a dark wrap and place the top portion upside down like a funnel. Place it in a corner in your house.
5. In 2 weeks you will be surprised by the number of mosquitos killed.
Last edited by m&m on Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dengue fever: a homopathic remedy

Postby m&m » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:53 am

Mosquito trap (Dengue prevention)
It's just a mix of water, brown sugar and yeast.

1. Cut a plastic bottle in half, keep both parts. Can be Coca Cola / Pepsi bottle..
2. Take the lower portion of the bottle. Dissolve the brown sugar in hot water. Let it cool down to ~70 degF.
3. Add the yeast. Carbon dioxide will form (This will attract the mosquitos)
4. Cover the bottle with a dark wrap and place the top portion upside down like a funnel. Place it in a corner in your house.
5. In 2 weeks you will be surprised by the number of mosquitos killed.
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