I could not imagine though a mature man insisting on such, as, probably he is not a virgin. Further, he has had access to women in the past and knows "the score". I doubt any mature man would marry a women in order for him to have sex.
There is some romantic notion guys have about going where no man has gone before, and women giving her most precious gift to her lover, but in truth, as far as love and relationships go, virginity is simply never a factor.
My mother is not a virgin and she loves me unconditionally.

Young guys especially feel a great desire to have sex. They are known for telling really hurtful lies to women in order to have sex with them. Without experience themselves guys can be willing to make great sacrifices up to and including marriage in order to have dependable sex. My advise to any women who was thinking of marriage would be to go ahead and let him have his way, then when he is sated, see what of your relationship is left. USE contraceptives.
(by the way, rhythm method is not a good choice as when studied statistically, it has the same contraceptive results as no contraceptive at all)
Would, should, any guy marry a bar girl? For sure not a virgin. A persons past has some reflection on the choices they make in the future. I would think that if they became a bar girl because they liked flirting with men until 3AM while getting drunk would be one type of woman that might not make a good wife. But, if she became so poor that she simply had nothing else to sell, everybody has to make hard choices some time in their lives, so, unless she felt she was "selling" herself to you, she might make a good wife.
Disease is an important consideration. Some sexually transmitted diseases can be deadly. But even in marriage some exposure will happen. The question to have or not to have sex is one nobody should take casually.
To me, virginity is probably not a factor I would consider in selecting a mate... unless she is 44 and still a virgin, who wants a woman who could say "no" that long?